iOS 12.0+ / macOS 10.15+ Swift 5.0+
For some types of tickets user need to upload photo from camera, so to avoid the crash add NSCameraUsageDescription
in your project Info.plist
Add this to your Podfile
pod 'DiscoveryCultureSDK-iOS', :git => ""
let vc: SMWebViewController = .init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
let user: SMUser = SMUser(name: "Some Name", email: "[email protected]", phone: "+971500000000", nationalityId: 123, cityId: 1)
- name - String, 5 - 200 chars
- email - String, 5 - 200 chars
- phone - String, expect valid phone number
- nationalityId - Int, Method returns available nationality ids
- cityId - Int, Method returns available city ids
SMUser saves in UserDefaults
When the first ticket was added the basket has expiration time equal 15 minutes.
public func setParameters(sdk: SDKType,
accessToken: String,
eventId: String?,
eventShowId: String?,
eventShowSetting: Bool?,
user: SMUser?,
language: SMLanguage?,
completion: SMResultCallback)
Required parameters:
- sdk - SDKType,
- SDK type - accessToken- String
- eventId- String? - event ID
- eventShowId- String? - event's show ID
Use eventId or eventShowId separately.
Optional parameters:
- eventShowSetting - Bool? - is needed event show setting (used if event show ID was setted, true by default)
- user- SMUser? - user for basket, if it wasn’t setted separately (importent! User used to be setted before SMWebView presentation)
- language- SMLanguage?,
- language (en
by default)
Completion - SMResultCallback:
public typealias SMResultCallback = ((_ result: SMResult?, _ error: SMError?) -> Void)
public enum SMResult {
case addUser
case orderStatus(_ status: String?, id: Int)
case errorMessage(_ message: String?, code: Int)
case goBack
case close
case apple
public enum SMError: Error {
case wrongParameters
case applePayAuthorization
case applePayTransaction
case unknown
let toket: String = "Some token"
let idEventStr: String = "11634"
let language: SMLanguage =
vc.setParameters(sdk: sdkType, accessToken: token, eventId: idEventStr, language: language) { [weak self] (result, error) in
if let error: SMError = error {
// handle error
if let result: SMResult = result {
switch result {
case .addUser:
// the last chanse to add user to process checkout
// to do this create and setup SMUser to your SMWebViewController
case .orderStatus(let status, let orderId):
// handle order status
case .errorMessage(let message, let code):
// handle error message
case .goBack:
// handle go back
case .close:
// handle close
case .apple:
// handle apple
@unknown default:
- orderId - Int
- status - String,
completed|expired|pending payment|failed
- current order status
- message - String?
- code - Int
let amount: Float = 3.0
let id: Int = 126347
SMWebManager.shared.updateToCompleted(idOrder: id, amount: amount) {
// Order is successfully updated to complete status
} failure: {[weak self] (Error) in
// handle failure
SMWebManager.shared.updateToFailed(idOrder: id) {[weak self] in
// Order is successfully updated to failed status
} failure: {[weak self] (Error) in
// handle failure
For the testing purchase use Payfort Test
payment gateway.
Available credit card credentials
Method returns info about order
We handle all payment logic in SDK, though you need only to set up your environment for integrating Apple Pay into an app.
- Create a Merchant ID
- Enable Apple Pay Payment Processing in an App ID Configuration
- Configure Apple Pay capabilities in Xcode for your project