DiffMatchPatch 0.2.0

DiffMatchPatch 0.2.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017

Maintained by Christos Vasilakis, corinne krych, Daniel Bevenius, Julio Cesar, Daniel Passos.

  • By
  • Neil Fraser and Jan Weiss

DiffMatchPatch for iOS

The project is a fork of google-diff-match-patch with modifications to get it to compile for iOS and Xcode 6.0

The speed test target and schema were removed to save time figuring out some issues but might later on.


This project requires Xcode6.0 to run.


Building can be done by opening the project in Xcode:

open DiffMatchPatch.xcodeproj

xcodebuild -scheme DiffMatchPatch build


Tests can be run from with in Xcode using Product->Test menu option (CMD+U).

You can also run test from the command:

xcodebuild -scheme DiffMatchPatch -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s' test