DatadogSDKBridge 0.5.5

DatadogSDKBridge 0.5.5

Maintained by Maciek Grzybowski, Mert Buran, Xavier F. Gouchet, Datadog, Maxime Epain.

Depends on:
DatadogSDK~> 1.11.0-rc1
DatadogSDKCrashReporting~> 1.11.0-rc1

IMPORTANT: If you're building a native iOS application, please use the dd-sdk-ios library instead.

Datadog Bridge for iOS

A simplified bridge used to support cross-platform mobile frameworks.

This project provides a simplified API to use Datadog features within cross-platform mobile frameworks such as React Native. It follows the mobile bridge API defined in the dd-mobile-bridge repository.


DatadogSDKBridge is available through CocoaPods only. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'DatadogSDKBridge'


Pull requests are welcome. First, open an issue to discuss what you would like to change. For more information, read the Contributing Guide.


Apache License, v2.0