wraps the runtime of Objective-C, and provides some common usages.
Group (ID:614799921)
Using CocoaPods:
target 'Your target name'
pod 'DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider'
pod 'DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider', '~> 2.0.2'
Add import DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider
to your source code.
Gets all the method names of a class
1. Gets all method names of an instance of a class
let instMethods = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.supplyMethodList(withClass: UITableView.self)
print("========methods: \(instMethods)")
2. Gets all class method names of a class
let clsMethods = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.supplyClassMethodList(withClass: UIView.self)
print("========clsMethods: \(clsMethods)")
Gets all variable names of a class
let ivars = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.supplyIvarList(withClass: UIButton.self)
print("========ivars: \(ivars)")
Gets all the property names of a class
let properties = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.supplyPropertyList(withClass: UIButton.self)
print("========properties: \(properties)")
Take this class as an example. e.g.:
class People: NSObject {
var name: String
public override init() {
self.name = ""
public init(name: String) {
self.name = name
@objc dynamic func logName(age: Int) {
print("========" + name + " is \(age) years old.")
@objc dynamic class func decInfo(age: Int, name: String) {
print("========decInfo: " + "name: " + name + ", age = \(age)")
@objc dynamic class func decInfo2(age: Int, name: String) {
print("========decInfo2: " + "name: " + name + ", age = \(age)")
@objc dynamic class func decInfo3(age: Int, name: String) {
print("========decInfo3: " + "name: " + name + ", age = \(age)")
@objc func eat(foods: [String : Any]) {
print("========eat foods: \(foods)")
@objc dynamic func run(step: Int) {
print("========1: \(name) runs \(step) step.")
@objc dynamic func run2(step: Int) {
print("========2: \(name) runs \(step) step.")
Adds a method
override func viewDidLoad() {
_ = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.addMethod(withClass: ViewController.self, selector: Selector("eat(foods:)"), impClass: People.self, impSelector: #selector(People.eat(foods:)))
perform(NSSelectorFromString("eat(foods:)"), with: ["name": "meat", "number": 1])
Exchanges two methods
override func viewDidLoad() {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.exchangeMethod(withClass: People.self, selector: #selector(People.run(step:)), anotherSelector: #selector(People.run2(step:)))
let p = People(name: "Albert")
p.run(step: 20)
p.run2(step: 50)
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.exchangeClassMethod(withClass: People.self, selector: #selector(People.decInfo2(age:name:)), anotherSelector: #selector(People.decInfo3(age:name:)))
People.decInfo2(age: 50, name: "David")
People.decInfo3(age: 26, name: "Liming")
Replaces a method
override func viewDidLoad() {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.replaceMethod(withClass: People.self, selector: #selector(People.run(step:)), targetSelector: #selector(People.run2(step:)))
let p = People(name: "Albert")
p.run2(step: 50)
Swizzle two methods
override func viewDidLoad() {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.swizzleMethod(withClass: People.self, selector: #selector(People.run(step:)), swizzledSelector: #selector(People.run2(step:)))
let p = People(name: "Albert")
p.run(step: 20)
p.run2(step: 50)
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.swizzleClassMethod(withClass: People.self, selector: #selector(People.decInfo2(age:name:)), swizzledSelector: #selector(People.decInfo3(age:name:)))
People.decInfo2(age: 50, name: "David")
People.decInfo3(age: 26, name: "Liming")
Dynamic replace instance and class method
typealias IMPCType = @convention(c) (Any, Selector, Int) -> Void
private let newFunc: @convention(block) (Any, Int) -> Void = { (obj, age) in
print("========obj: \(obj), age: \(age)")
// Invoke the original method.
let selector = #selector(People.logName(age:))
ViewController.impBlock?(obj, selector, age)
typealias PEDecInfoIMPCType = @convention(c) (Any, Selector, Int, String) -> Void
private let peDecInfoFunc: @convention(block) (Any, Int, String) -> Void = { (obj, age, name) in
print("====>obj: \(obj), age: \(age), name: \(name)")
override func viewDidLoad() {
Self.impBlock = People.dy_replaceInstanceMethod(selector: #selector(People.logName(age:)), type: IMPCType.self, block: newFunc)
_ = People.dy_replaceClassMethod(selector: #selector(People.decInfo(age:name:)), type: PEDecInfoIMPCType.self, block: peDecInfoFunc)
The transformation of dictionary and model
Take this class as an example. e.g.:
class Teacher: NSObject {
@objc var name: String?
@objc var age: Int = 0
@objc var address: String?
1. Converts the dictionary to model
let teacher = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.asObject(with: ["name": "高粟", "age": 26, "address": "xx市xx"], for: Teacher.self)
if let teacher = teacher {
print("========teacher: \(teacher), \(teacher.name), \(teacher.age), \(teacher.address)")
_ = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.asObject(withDictionary: ["name": "高粟", "age": 26, "address": "xx市xx"], forClass: Teacher.self)
_ = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.asObject(withDictionary: ["name": "高粟", "age": 26, "address": "xx市xx"], forObject: Teacher())
2. Converts the model to dictionary
let teacher = Teacher()
teacher.name = "李想"
teacher.age = 22
teacher.address = "xxx"
let dict = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.asDictionary(withObject: teacher)
print("========dict: \(dict)")
Archives and unarchives
1. Archives
open class Transaction: NSObject, NSCoding {
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.encode(aCoder, forObject: self)
2. Unarchives
open class Transaction: NSObject, NSCoding {
public required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.decode(aDecoder, forObject: self)
Add a catogory property
extension UIApplication {
struct AssociatedObjcKeys {
static var teacherKey = "TeacherKey"
var teacher: Teacher? {
get {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.getAssociatedObject(self, key: &AssociatedObjcKeys.teacherKey) as? Teacher
set (objc) {
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.setAssociatedObject(self, key: &AssociatedObjcKeys.teacherKey, value: objc, policy: .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
Get and modify instance variable property.
// for ViewController.
if let view = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.getInstanceVar(withName: "_view", forObject: self) as? UIView {
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.brown
// Declares the var in ViewController.
var fillColor: UIColor = .white
if let fillColor = DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.getInstanceVar(withName: "fillColor", forObject: self) as? UIColor {
print("fillColor: \(fillColor)")
if fillColor == .white {
print("fillColor is white color.")
DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider.setInstanceVar(withName: "fillColor", value: UIColor.brown, forObject: self)
print("self.fillColor: \(fillColor)")
Feedback is welcome
If you notice any issue, got stuck to create an issue. I will be happy to help you.