DJTableViewVM 1.6.1

DJTableViewVM 1.6.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2019

Maintained by Dokay Dou.

  • By
  • Dokay


License MIT Pod version Carthage Compatible Platform info


DJTableViewVM is a lightweight MVVM solution for finsih your pages using UITableView.


  • less code and more flexible to implement page using UITableView;
  • easy to control cell lines;
  • prefetch for iOS under iOS 10;
  • cell height dynamic caculate;
  • cell height pre caculate;
  • auto scroll while keyboard showing and hiding;
  • tableViewVM reveal;


  • Xcode 9 or higher
  • Apple LLVM compiler
  • iOS 8.0 or higher
  • ARC


Build and run the DJComponentTableViewVM.xcodeproj in Xcode.



Edit your Podfile and add DJTableViewVM:

pod 'DJTableViewVM'


Edit your Cartfile and add DJTableViewVM:

github "Dokay/DJTableViewVM"


  • Sample code
- (void)testTextRowAutoLayoutWithNib
    DJTableViewRegister(self.aDJTableViewVM, DJTableViewVMTextTestRow, DJTableViewVMTextTestCell);

    [self.aDJTableViewVM removeAllSections];

    for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
        DJTableViewVMSection *section = [DJTableViewVMSection sectionWithHeaderTitle:@"AutoLayoutWithNib"];
        [self.aDJTableViewVM addSection:section];
        for (int i  = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
            DJTableViewVMTextTestRow *row = [DJTableViewVMTextTestRow new];
            row.contentText = @"This is a test content";
            __weak ViewController *weakSelf = self;
            [row setSelectionHandler:^(DJTableViewVMRow *rowVM) {
                [rowVM deselectRowAnimated:YES];
                [weakSelf testTable];
        [section addRow:row];
    [self.aDJTableViewVM reloadData];
  • set default style:
    [DJTableViewVMRow defaultStyleInstance].titleFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18];

Key Classes

  • DJTableViewVM: ViewModel for UITableView.It has implemented UITableViewDelegate & UITableViewDataSource, and has multiple DJTableViewVMSection sections.

  • DJTableViewVMSection: ViewModel for sections in DJTableViewVM,each section has multiple DJTableViewVMRow rows.

  • DJTableViewVMRow: ViewModel for rows in sections,it has properties relate to cells.

  • DJTableViewVMCell: Cell(View) for DJTableViewVMRow(ViewModel),it defines the attributes and behavior that appear in UITableView.

  • DJTableViewVMCellProtocol: Protocol for cell releate to DJTableViewVMRow,DJTableViewVMCell implemented it,if you do not want or can not inherit DJTableViewVMCell, just implement the protocol.

  • DJInputRowProtocol: Protocol that all Input Cells (such as cell with UITextField/UITextView/UIDataPicker) implement.DJTableViewVMTextFieldRow and DJTableViewVMTextViewRow implement it.You can implement it for your input view in cells.

  • DJPickerProtocol: Protocol that all Picker Cells (such as cell with UIDatePicker/UIPickerView) implemente.DJNormalPickerDelegate and DJRelatedPickerDelegate implement it.You can implement it for your picker view in cells.

  • For exsist cells in your project
    1.If the super class of your cell is UITableViewCell ,just change it to DJTableViewVMCell.
    2.If tht super class of your cell is your custom class ,you need to implement the protocol DJTableViewVMCellDelegate or change it to DJTableViewVMCell.


ViewModel for UICollectionView: DJCollectionViewVM


Dokay Dou


DJTableViewVM is available under the MIT license.