DDHTextView 1.0.0

DDHTextView 1.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Dominik Hauser.

  • By
  • Dominik Hauser

A UITextView subclass which let's you move the cursor with a pan gesture. You can move the cursor by panning left and right in the inputAccessoryView. If you pan with two fingers you can select text.


How to use it

Add the DDHTextView.h/.m to your project, include DDHTextView.h in classes where you want to use the text view.

How it works

Actually it's very simple. The DDHTextView just adds two pan gesture recoginzer to the text view and moves the cursor when a pan happends.


MIT license
