CryptoNewsApi 1.1.1

CryptoNewsApi 1.1.1

Maintained by Steven Enamakel.

iOS Client - CryptoControl Crypto News Api

Official iOS client for the API. The CryptoControl iOS client lets developers access rich formatted articles from cryptonews sources from all around the world.


Add this dependency using CocoaPods

pod install CryptoNewsApi


First make sure that you've recieved an API key by visiting With the API key, you can write the following code.

import UIKit
import CryptoNewsApi

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let api = CryptoControlApi(apiKey: "API_KEY_HERE")

        api.getTopNews { (error, articles) in
            if (error == CCErrors.invalidAPIKey) {
                print("bad api key")


        api.getTopNewsByCategory { (error, categories) in

Available Functions

  • getTopNews() Get the top news articles.
  • getLatestNews() Get the latest news articles.
  • getTopNewsByCategory() Get news articles grouped by category.
  • getTopNewsByCoin(coin: String) Get the top news articles for a specific coin from the CryptoControl API.
  • getLatestNewsByCoin(coin: String) Get the latest news articles for a specific coin.
  • getTopNewsByCoinCategory(coin: String) Get news articles grouped by category for a specific coin.
  • getTopRedditPostsByCoin(coin: String) Get top reddit posts for a particular coin
  • getLatestRedditPostsByCoin(coin: String) Get latest reddit posts for a particular coin
  • getTopTweetsByCoin(coin: String) Get top tweets for a particular coin
  • getLatestTweetsByCoin(coin: String) Get latest tweets for a particular coin
  • getTopFeedByCoin(coin: String) Get a combined feed (reddit/tweets/articles) for a particular coin (sorted by time)
  • getLatestFeedByCoin(coin: String) Get a combined feed (reddit/tweets/articles) for a particular coin (sorted by relevance)