CrashReporterAC 0.3.0

CrashReporterAC 0.3.0

Maintained by Daniel Witt.


Version License Platform


A bug report contains device logs, stack traces, and other diagnostic information to help you find and fix bugs in your app. It should also include user feedback that helps you to reproduce the issue. Unfortunately that's not part of Microsoft' AppCenter implementation for macOS. However there are APIs that allow you to send text attachments with each crash. CrashReporterAC asks the user for feedback and submits it with the crash details to AppCenter.



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



CrashReporterAC is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CrashReporterAC'

Add this to your AppDelegate:

private let crashReporterAC = CrashReporterAC(helpURL: URL(string: ""))

Make sure to add the following before calling MSAppCenter.start(), usually in applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:):

let crashReporterAC = CrashReporterAC(helpURL: URL(string: ""))

Also implement the delegates:

// MARK: - MSCrashesDelegate
func attachments(with crashes: MSCrashes, for errorReport: MSErrorReport) -> [MSErrorAttachmentLog] {
    guard crashReporterAC.crashUserProvidedDescription != nil else {
        return []

    let attachment1 = MSErrorAttachmentLog.attachment(withText: crashReporterAC.crashUserProvidedDescription!, filename: "UserProvidedDescription.txt")
    return [attachment1! 
func crashes(_ crashes: MSCrashes!, didFailSending errorReport: MSErrorReport!, withError error: Error!) {
    crashReporterAC.crashUserProvidedDescription = nil 
func crashes(_ crashes: MSCrashes!, didSucceedSending errorReport: MSErrorReport!) {
    crashReporterAC.crashUserProvidedDescription = nil


Daniel Witt, [email protected]


  • Massimiliano Picchi (Italian)
  • Ange Lefrère (French)
  • Daniel Witt (German)


CrashReporterAC is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.