Coucou 0.0.6

Coucou 0.0.6

Maintained by Stefan Mitev.

Coucou 0.0.6

  • By
  • Stefan Mitev

CocoaPods Compatible Platform

Coucou (iOS)

A highly modular network service discovery and broadcast library for iOS. For Android, go to coucou_android repo.

Coucou API

func startDiscovery(ofType type: String,
                    domain: String,
                    _ onResolved: (DiscoveryEvent) -> Void) -> Disposable

How to use


let coucou = Coucou.Builder()

Network Service Discovery

let disposable = coucou.startDiscovery(ofType: "_http._tcp.") { (event) in
  // TODO something with the DiscoveryEvent

  if(event is ServiceResolved) {
    // TODO something with event.service
  } else if (event is ServiceLost) {
    // TODO something with event.service
  } else if (event is DiscoveryFinished) {
    // TODO
  } else if (event is ResolvingFinished) {
    // TODO
  } else if (event is DiscoveryFailure) {
    // TODO

// when discovery isn't needed, dispose


DiscoveryService provides the following information:

public struct DiscoveryService {
    let name: String
    let ipaddress: String?
    let port: Int

For more insights, please refer to the source code.

Network Service Broadcast

  • Yet to be done.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Coucou into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''

    pod 'Coucou', '~> ENTER_COUCOU_VERSION_HERE'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install



Unsupported at the moment.

To do

  • Support for Network Service Broadcast
  • Write unit tests
  • Complete sample
  • More documentation
  • Improve the README