Colortools 0.1.1

Colortools 0.1.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Kevin McGladdery.



Colortools adds some methods and properties to UIColor. Let’s look at the properties!

public var hue: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's hue

public var saturation: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's saturation

public var brightness: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's brightness

public var alpha: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's alpha value

public var red: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's red component

public var green: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's green component

public var blue: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's blue component

public var white: Double?  // Returns a UIColor's white component, if it's a greyscale UIColor.

But what about the methods? CHECK THESE OUT:

public func getHsba() -> (hue:Double, saturation:Double, brightness:Double, alpha:Double)?
// Returns an optional tuple with the named HSBA components

public func getRgba() -> (red:Double, green:Double, blue:Double, alpha:Double)?
// Returns an optional tuple with the named RGBA components

public func getGreyscale() -> (white:Double, alpha:Double)?
// Returns an optional tuple with the named greyscale components

public func lighten(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// Returns an optional UIColor with the brightness raised by a number between 0.0 and 1.0

public func scaleLighten(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// Returns an optional UIColor with the brightness raised a percentage of the
// way to 1.0. (i.e. scaleLighten(0.5) on a UIColor with a brightness of 0.5 will
// return a UIColor with a brightness of 0.75 -- 50% of the way to 1.0

public func darken(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// The opposite of lighten

public func scaleDarken(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// The opposite of scaleLighten

public func tint(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// Takes a double between 0.0 and 1.0, and adds the corresponding amount of
// white to the color. This is kind of like lighten, but different. Try it.

public func shade(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// The opposite of tint, this adds black to a color

public func saturate(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// Takes a double between 0.0 and 1.0 and raises the saturation accordingly

public func desaturate(amount:Double) -> UIColor?
// The opposite of saturate

public convenience init(hex:UInt32) 
// This takes a hexadecimal number of RRGGBBAA format. Observe:

let green = UIColor.init(hex:0x00FF00FF)
let semiTransparentRed = UIColor.init(hex:0xFF000088)
let orange = UIColor.init(hex:0xF27935FF)

// And so on.

To run the tests, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Colortools is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Colortools"


Kevin McGladdery, [email protected]


Colortools is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.