ClosureKit 1.0.0

ClosureKit 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2020
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Denys Telezhkin.

Build Status CocoaPod platform   CocoaPod version   Carthage compatible License MIT

{ } Kit

BlocksKit is great. It allows to replace boring delegate callbacks, target-actions with blocks, making code more readable, and allowing to stay in context of what you are implementing. But with introduction of Swift language there are parts of BlocksKit that fall flat. First of all, lot of methods use id, which is bridged to AnyObject! in Swift, which does require explicit casts and type checks before you can write any code for objects in closures. Second - it does not allow you to use Swift structs and enums.

ClosureKit bridges this gap. It provides generic implementation for the same methods as BlocksKit, that allows you to skip type checks and casts, and also allows usage of pure Swift enums and structs.

This project is NOT a replacement for BlocksKit. It's goal is to provide a more convenient API to Swift developers, that BlocksKit gives for Objective-C. ClosureKit also does not have any external dependencies except Swift standard library.




All - ck_all

Verify, that all objects in collection match provided block.

let collection = [1,2,3]

collection.ck_all { (element) -> Bool in return element > 0 }
=> true

collection.ck_all { (element) -> Bool in return element < 2 }
=> false

Any - ck_any

Verify that at least one object in collection matches the block.

let collection = [1,2,3]

collection.ck_any {(element) -> Bool in return element < 0}
=> false

collection.ck_any { (element) -> Bool in return element > 2}
=> true

Match - ck_match

Find first object, that match provided block

let collection = [1,2,3]
println(collection.ck_match {(element) -> Bool in  return element > 2})
=> 3

None - ck_none

Verify that all objects in collection do not match the block.

let collection = [1,2,3]
collection.ck_none { (element) -> Bool in return element < 0 }
=> true


Perform select - ck_performSelect

Filter array, deleting all objects, that do not match block

var array = [1, 2, -1, -2, 3]

array.ck_performSelect { (element) -> Bool in return element > 0 }
=> [1,2,3]

Perform reject - ck_performReject

Filter array, deleting all objects, that match block. This is reverse method to ck_performSelect.

var array = [1,2,-1,-2,3]
array.ck_performReject { (element) -> Bool in return element < 0 }
=> [1,2,3]


Perform select - ck_performSelect

Filter dictionary, deleting all key-value pairs, that do not match provided block.

var dictionary = [1:"a",2:"b",3:"c"]
dictionary.ck_performSelect { (key,value) -> Bool in return key > 1}
=> [2:"b",3:"c"]

Perform reject - ck_performReject

Filter dictionary, deleting all key-value pairs, that match provided block. This is reverse for ck_performSelect method.

var dictionary = [1:"a",2:"b",3:"c"]
dictionary.ck_performReject { (key,value) -> Bool in return key < 2}
=> [2:"b",3:"c"]

Reject - ck_reject

Find key-value pairs, that do not match provided block. This is reverse of ck_select method.

let dictionary = [1:"a",2:"b",3:"c"]
dictionary.ck_reject { (key,value) -> Bool in return key < 2}
=> [2:"b",3:"c"]

Select - ck_select

Find all key-value pairs, that match provided block.

let dictionary = [1:"a",2:"b",3:"c"]
dictionary.ck_select { (key,value) -> Bool in return key > 1}
=> [2:"b",3:"c"]


  • iOS 8 / macOS 10.10 / tvOS 9.0 / watchOS 2.0
  • Swift 3
  • Xcode 8


  • CocoaPods
   pod 'ClosureKit', '~> 1.0.0'
  • Carthage
  github "DenHeadless/ClosureKit"