CivicConnect 1.1.0

CivicConnect 1.1.0

Maintained by Justin Guedes.

  • By
  • Civic Technologies

iOS Civic App Connect


Version License Platform

Civic App Connect is a library that allows a third party to connect with the Civic Secure Identity iOS app.


This library allows you to connect to the Civic Secure Identity iOS application using the integration portal API. In order to use this library you will need to register yourself on the Integration Portal. Once registered you'll be able to provide the necessary information to the library to be able to connect your own iOS application to the Civic Secure Identity iOS application. The library also provides a Civic styled button that can be customized for your needs, or you could rather initiate the flow in any way you see fit for your application.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 10+
  • Swift 4+



Civic App Connect is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CivicConnect'


To integrate Civic App Connect into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "civicteam/civic-connect-ios-public"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built CivicConnect.framework into your Xcode project.

Getting Started

Sample App

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install. Open up CivicConnect.xcworkspace with Xcode, in the Info.plist you will need to provide your CivicApplicationIdentifier and CivicSecret and run the CivicConnect-Example scheme. The sample project contains documented code to illustrate how to use the library.


This library is supported for both Objective-C and Swift and therefore each code snippet will contain its corresponding Objective-C and Swift section.


Before being able to use the library, you will need to initialize it with the correct fields These values can be found on the Integration Portal when you have registered your application. Initializing the library requires the following fields:

Name Required Description
Application Identifier Yes Identifier used to identify the third party.
Mobile Application Identifier Yes Identifier used by the mobile app.
Secret No Secret provided to the partner via the Integration Portal. Optional if you just require the JWT token.
Redirect Scheme No Scheme used to open the third party app. (This requires the third party to add a URL Types scheme in the Info.plist file.
let connect = Connect(applicationIdentifier: <INSERT APPLICATION IDENTIFIER HERE>, 
                      mobileApplicationIdentifier: <INSERT MOBILE APPLICATION IDENTIFIER HERE>, 
                      secret: <INSERT SECRET HERE>,
                      redirectScheme: <INSERT REDIRECT SCHEME HERE>)
CCConnect *connect = [[CCConnect alloc] initWithApplicationIdentifier:<INSERT APPLICATION IDENTIFIER HERE>
                                          mobileApplicationIdentifier:<INSERT MOBILE APPLICATION IDENTIFIER HERE>
                                                               secret:<INSERT SECRET HERE>
                                                       redirectScheme:<INSERT REDIRECT SCHEME HERE>];

A convenient way to initialize the library is to load the fields via the Info.plist:

let connect = try Connect.initialize(withBundle: Bundle.main, secret: <INSERT SECRET HERE>)
NSError *error;
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
CCConnect *connect = [CCConnect initializeWithBundle:bundle secret:<INSERT SECRET HERE> error:&error];

The library will look through the Info.plist to find the following fields:

Name Type Required
CFBundleIdentifier (Bundle Identifier - By default this should already exist) String Yes
CivicApplicationIdentifier String Yes
CivicSecret *deprecated String Yes
CivicRedirectScheme String No

Please note: CivicRedirectScheme requires you to add a URL Type to the Info.plist with an identifier and at least one scheme. The scheme needs to be equal to the CivicRedirectScheme field.

Loading the fields from the Info.plist can throw the following errors if it cannot find the particular field:

Error Status Code Message
cannotFindApplicationId 901 Cannot find application ID. Make sure you have 'CivicApplicationIdentifier' somewhere in your Info.plist.
cannotFindBundleId 902 Cannot find bundle ID. Make sure you have 'CFBundleIdentifier' somewhere in your Info.plist.
cannotFindSecret 903 Cannot find secret. Make sure you have 'CivicSecret' somewhere in your Info.plist.
redirectSchemeMismatch 904 Cannot find a matching URL scheme for 'CivicRedirectScheme'. Please ensure 'CivicRedirectScheme' matches one of the 'CFBundleURLTypes' 'CFBundleURLSchemes'.


Once you have an initialized instance of the Connect class, you'll be able to start the connection between your application and Civic. To initiate a flow, you can use the Connect.connect(withType:delegate:) method:

connect.connect(withType: .basic, delegate: self)
[connect connectWithType:CCScopeRequestTypeBasic delegate:self];

To determine what type to use, you'll need to know what information you require. The following table shows what information the types provide:

Scope Request Type Description
ScopeRequestType.basicSignup Includes basic information such as email and phone number.
ScopeRequestType.anonymousLogin Only includes the user ID.
ScopeRequestType.proofOfResidence Includes the basic information, identity document and residential documents of the user.
ScopeRequestType.proofOfIdentity Includes basic information such as email and phone number as well as information on an identity document.
ScopeRequestType.proofOfAge Includes the age of the user.

The delegate is the way the library communicates back to the partner via the following methods:

Method Description
func connectDidFailWithError(_ error: ConnectError) This method is fired off when an error occurs inside the ConnectSession due to service errors, session errors, etc.
func connectDidFinishWithUserId(_ userId: String, andUserInfo userInfo: [UserInfo]) This method is fired off when the ConnectSession has retrieved the user data from the servers.
func connectDidChangeStatus(_ newStatus: ConnectStatus) This method is fired off when the state of the ConnectSession changes. It provides an easy way to know what is happening in the background.
func connectShouldFetchUserData(withToken token: String) -> Bool This method is fired off when the ConnectSession receives the JWT token from the server. At this point we ask the delegate whether we should continue to fetch the user data using the JWT token. Returning true will allow the ConnectSession to retrieve the user data, while false ends the session. For Swift this method is implmemented by default and returns true through the use of extensions.

After connecting with Civic, a ConnectSession is created to handle the connection between the partner app and Civic. Once the ConnectSession is created, you have two ways of handling the session. Either handling the URL that was used to open the partner app via the Connect.handle(url:) method or by calling the Connect.startPollingForUserData() method. These methods will be described below.

Handling URL

Handling a URL will allow the library to determine whether the Civic application opened up/redirected to the partner application and start retrieving the user data. In order for this feature to work, you must setup a URL Type with a URL Scheme in the Info.plist. (See the example project to see how this is done)

A convenient place to handle the URL is in the AppDelegate on the func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool method as follows:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    return connect.handle(url: url)
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(nullable NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
    return [connect handleUrl:url];

Internally this will check if the URL was initiated from the Civic application. You can manually check the URL via Connect.canHandle(url:). If the session can handle the URL then it will call Connect.startPollingForUserData() internally.

Start Polling For User Data

If you do not choose to handle the URL method or you would prefer not to use the redirect mechanism, you can rather choose to start polling for the user data manually. When calling this method, it will initiate a timer that contantly checks when the Civic application has finished the flow.

[connect startPollingForUserData];

Stop Polling For User Data

At anytime the session is started, you can call Connect.stopPollingForUserData() to invalidate the timer.

[connect stopPollingForUserData];


You can reset the status of the of Connect instance by calling the Connect.reset() function.

[connect reset];

Connect Button

If you would like a Civic styled button, you can use the ConnectButton class which is just a subclass of UIButton. In order to create one, you will need to provide a Connect instance, a ConnectDelegate and optionally the ScopeRequestType:

let connectButton = ConnectButton(<INSERT CONNECT HERE>, 
                                  type: <INSERT SCOPE REQUEST TYPE HERE (DEFAULTS TO .basic)>, 
                                  delegate: <INSERT CONNECT DELEGATE HERE>)
CCConnectButton *connectButton = [[CCConnectButton alloc] initWithConnect:<INSERT CONNECT HERE>
                                                                     type:<INSERT SCOPE REQUEST TYPE HERE>
                                                                 delegate:<INSERT CONNECT DELEGATE HERE>];

Once created, you can customize the title and image of the button:

connectButton.setConnectTitle(<INSERT TITLE HERE>, image: <INSERT IMAGE HERE>)
connectButton.setConnectTitle(<INSERT TITLE HERE>)
[connectButton setConnectTitle:<INSERT TITLE HERE> image:<INSERT IMAGE HERE>];
[connectButton setConnectTitle:<INSERT TITLE HERE>];

The scope request type can also be changed at anytime:

[connectButton setType:<INSERT SCOPE REQUEST TYPE HERE>];

Anytime the ConnectButton is tapped, it will start connecting with the Civic application and display a loading indicator on the button. The loading indicator will disappear once the session has received either an error or success response.


The following table shows the potential errors that can occur via the library:

Error Status Code Message
cannotFindApplicationId 901 Cannot find application ID. Make sure you have 'CivicApplicationIdentifier' somewhere in your Info.plist.
cannotFindBundleId 902 Cannot find bundle ID. Make sure you have 'CFBundleIdentifier' somewhere in your Info.plist.
cannotFindSecret 903 Cannot find secret. Make sure you have 'CivicSecret' somewhere in your Info.plist.
redirectSchemeMismatch 904 Cannot find a matching URL scheme for 'CivicRedirectScheme'. Please ensure 'CivicRedirectScheme' matches one of the 'CFBundleURLTypes' 'CFBundleURLSchemes'.
cannotParseResponse 911 Cannot parse response from server.
cannotParseResponseData 912 Cannot parse response data from server.
invalidUrl 913 Invalid url.
invalidRequest 914 Invalid request.
invalidSession 921 Invalid session.
mobileUpgrade 922 Mobile upgrade required.
userCancelled 923 User cancelled scope request.
verifyError 924 Error occurred during verification.
userDataNotAvailable 202 User data is still not available. Try poll again later.
scopeRequestTimeOut 925 Scope request timed out.
verificationFailed 931 Failed to verify the response.
decryptionFailed 932 Failed to decrypt response data.
secretNotFound 933 Cannot find secret. Please ensure you provide the library with a valid secret.
decodingFailed 997 Failed to decode the json to an object.
authenticationUnknownError 998 Unknown authentication error.
unknown 999 Unknown error.

The following table shows the potential errors that can occur via the server api:

Error Status Code Message
badRequest 400 Check the response ‘message’ field for details.
unauthorized 401 Authentication failed.
methodNotAllowed 405 You tried to access an invalid method.
insufficientFunds 409 Unauthorized: Insufficient funds.
tooManyRequests 429 Your request was throttled by our gateway.
internalServer 500 We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
timeOut 504 Endpoint Request Timed-out Exception.


What do we use for the redirect scheme?

You can use any unique scheme that is valid for your app.

How do we get the UIImage from the UserInfo?

Some UserInfo objects have a value encoded in base 64, an example would be for the documents.genericId.image UserInfo object, we would decode to an UIImage with the following code snippet:

func decodeBase64ToImage(_ userInfo: UserInfo) -> UIImage? {
    guard let data = Data(base64Encoded: userInfo.value, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters) else {
    return nil

    return UIImage(data: data)

What does it mean when I get Unauthorized: no platforms found for provided app_id?

It means you have supplied the incorrect Application Identifier. Please ensure you have the correct App ID from the Integration Portal under the configured application.

What does it mean when I get Unauthorized: mobileId not found in partner platform list?

It means you have not supplied the correct Bundle ID or have not configured your mobile application on the Integration Portal.

How do I just retrieve the JWT token so that I can handle the user data on my side?

In order to retrieve the JWT token only, in your implementation for the ConnectDelegate, implement the func connectShouldFetchUserData(withToken token: String) -> Bool function and return false. The token provided in that function is the JWT token and can be handled by whichever way needed.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Find contributing guidelines in the CONTRIBUTING file.


Civic App Connect is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.