Tap payments provides for you a one drop solution to enable a seamless checkout process in your iOS app flow.
Access all local, regional, & global payment methods
Your customers can scale globally by offering all popular payment methods across MENA, whether that's mada, KNET, Fawry, Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Tabby, and many more.
Look at it!
Add this spec to your podfile:
pod "CheckoutSDK-iOS "
Pre SDK Setup
If you already have a Tap account, please skip this part.
In order to be able to use the SDK, you have to create a Tap account first. Once you finish your account with our Integration team, please make sure they provided you with the following:
- Your sandbox public key.
- This will be used to perform testing transactions in our sandbox environment. Will be useful for you in your development phase.
- Your production public key.
- This will be used to perform actual transactions in our production environment. Will be required for you before releasing your application.
- Your tap merchant id.
- This will be used as an identifier for the app entity under your Tap account. As you can have multiple apps/websites integrated with Tap under your same Tap account.
- Apple pay CSR.
- If you are willing to enable Apple pay, you have to provide them with your Apple merchant id and they will provide back Apple pay CSR, where you will generate an Apple pay certification using it and you have to pass it back to them.
Apple pay setup
If you are not willing to enable Apple pay, please skip this part.
Ask for the CSR from Tap team.
From your Apple Developer account:
Create a merchant identifier
A merchant identifier uniquely identifies you to Apple Pay as a merchant who is able to accept payments. You can use the same merchant identifier for multiple native and web apps. It never expires.
- In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, select Identifiers from the sidebar, then click the Add button (+) in the upper-left corner.
- Select Merchant IDs, then click Continue.
- Enter the merchant description and identifier name, then click Continue.
- Review the settings, then click Register.
- In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, select Identifiers from the sidebar, then click the Add button (+) in the upper-left corner.
Create Payment Processing Certificate:A payment processing certificate is associated with your merchant identifier and used to encrypt payment information. The payment processing certificate expires every 25 months. If the certificate is revoked, you can recreate it.
In Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, select Identifiers from the sidebar.
Under Identifiers, select Merchant IDs using the filter in the top-right.
On the right, select your merchant identifier.
Note: If a banner appears at the top of the page saying that you need to accept an agreement, click the Review Agreement button and follow the instructions before continuing.
Under Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate, click Create Certificate.
Create a certificate signing request on your Mac, and click Continue.
Click Choose File.
In the dialog that appears, select the certificate request file (a file with a
file extension), then click Choose. -
Click Continue.
Click Download.
The certificate file (a file with a
file extension) appears in yourDownloads
Share your .cer file, merchant identifier and app bundle id back to Tap team.
Enable Apple Pay capability into your project from Xcode and select the merchant identifier.
Tap Apple Pay button will appear if:
- You did all the previous steps.
- The customer is paying with a currency that has Apple Pay option enabled from our side.
- The customer paying already activate Apple pay in his device.
- The customer paying has already added at least one valid card in his Apple Wallet with one our Apple pay payment networks.
Important Information
Supported languages
- English.
- Arabic.
Supported themes
The sdk auto detects the device's display mode light or dark and displays itself accordingly.
- Light mode.
- The
Checkout SDK
will be displayed in light mode and icons will be colored.
- The
- Light mode with mono color.
- The
Checkout SDK
will be displayed in light mode and icons will be monochromatic.
- The
- Dark mode.
- The
Checkout SDK
will be displayed in dark mode and icons will white.
- The
- Dark mode with colors.
- The
Checkout SDK
will be displayed in dark mode and icons will be colored.
- The
Supported SDK modes
- Sandbox
- Where you can try all different payment methods with no limits and no charges will occur.
- Check this for our Testing Cards
- Production
- Where you can try all different payment methods for real to memic your expected customers' experience. Please note, this will require using real data will incur charges.
Supported transaction modes
- Purchase
- To be used when you want to deduct the amount from your customer.
- Authourize
- To be used when you want to hold the amount from your customer.
SDK Setup
Global variables setup
These variables to be set before starting the Checkout SDK
. This will define important parameters for configuring and theming the Checkout SDK
itself. Please note, missing to configure these will end up in using default values or the Checkout SDK
will throw an error as it cannot start.
- The required localisation.
- By this you define which language you want the
Checkout SDK
appears with. - Now we do support:
. - Default value if not set is :
. - How to set it:
TapLocalisationManager.shared.localisationLocale = "en"
TapCheckout.localeIdentifier = "en"
- By this you define which language you want the
- The required Tap keys.
- By this, you define your Tap keys so the sdk can identify you as a merchant.
- These are required.
- How to set it:
TapCheckout.secretKey = .init(sandbox: "", production:"")
- Optional theme variables:
- Display mono variant when showing the Light mode theme
- If not passed default value is
- How to set it :
TapCheckout.displayMonoLight = false
- If not passed default value is
- Display colorized variant when showing the Dark mode theme
- If not passed default value is
- How to set it :
TapCheckout.displayColoredDark = false
- If not passed default value is
- Display mono variant when showing the Light mode theme
Starting the Checkout SDK
Checkout SDK Instance
import CheckoutSDK_iOS
class ViewController: UIViewController {
/// A strong reference to tap checkout variable
let checkout:TapCheckout = .init()
Checkout SDK transaction configurations
Defines the tap checkout bottom sheet controller
- Parameter delegate: A protocol to communicate with the Presente tap sheet controller
- Parameter currency: Represents the original transaction currency stated by the merchant on checkout start
- Parameter supportedCurrencies: Represents the allowed currencies for the transaction. Leave nil for ALL, pass the 3 digits iso KWD, EGP, etc.
- Parameter amount: Represents the original total transaction amount stated by the merchant on checkout start
- Parameter items: Represents the List of payment items if any. If no items are provided one will be created by default as PAY TO [MERCHANT NAME] -- Total value
- Parameter applePayMerchantID: The Apple pay merchant id to be used inside the apple pay kit
- Parameter onCheckOutReady: This will be called once the checkout is ready so you can use it to present it or cancel it
- Parameter paymentType: The allowed payment type inclyding cards, apple pay, web and telecom or ALL
- Parameter transactionMode: Decide which transaction mode will be used in this call. Purchase, Authorization, Card Saving and Toknization. Please check [TransactionMode](x-source-tag://TransactionModeEnum)
- Parameter customer: Decides which customer is performing this transaction. It will help you as a merchant to define the payer afterwards. Please check [TapCustomer](x-source-tag://TapCustomer)
- Parameter destinations: Decides which destination(s) this transaction's amount should split to. Please check [Destination](x-source-tag://Destination)
- Parameter tapMerchantID: Optional. Useful when you have multiple Tap accounts and would like to do the `switch` on the fly within the single app.
- Parameter taxes: Optional. List of Taxes you want to apply to the order if any.
- Parameter shipping: Optional. List of Shipping you want to apply to the order if any.
- Parameter allowedCadTypes: Decides the allowed card types whether Credit or Debit or All. If not set all will be accepeted.
- Parameter postURL: The URL that will be called by Tap system notifying that payment has succeed or failed.
- Parameter paymentDescription: Description of the payment to use for further analysis and processing in reports.
- Parameter TapMetadata: Additional information you would like to pass along with the transaction. Please check [TapMetaData](x-source-tag://TapMetaData)
- Parameter paymentReference: Implement this property to keep a reference to the transaction on your backend. Please check [Reference](x-source-tag://Reference)
- Parameter paymentStatementDescriptor: Description of the payment to appear on your settlemenets statement.
- Parameter require3DSecure: Defines if you want to apply 3DS for this transaction. By default it is set to true.
- Parameter receiptSettings: Defines how you want to notify about the status of transaction reciept by email, sms or both. Please check [Receipt](x-source-tag://Receipt)
- Parameter authorizeAction: Defines what to do with the authorized amount after being authorized for a certain time interval. Please check [AuthorizeAction](x-source-tag://AuthorizeAction)
- Parameter allowsToSaveSameCardMoreThanOnce: Defines if same card can be saved more than once. Default is `true`.
- Parameter enableSaveCard: Defines if the customer can save his card for upcoming payments. Default is `true`.
- Parameter isSaveCardSwitchOnByDefault: Defines if save card switch is on by default.. Default is `true`.
- Parameter sdkMode: Defines the mode sandbox or production the sdk will perform this transaction on. Please check [SDKMode](x-source-tag://SDKMode)
- Parameter collectCreditCardName: Decides whether or not, the card input should collect the card holder name. Default is false
- Parameter creditCardNameEditable: Decides whether or not, the card name field will be editable
- Parameter creditCardNamePreload: Decides whether or not, the card name field should be prefilled
- Parameter isSubscription: Defines if you want to make a subscription based transaction. Default is false
- Parameter recurringPaymentRequest: Defines the recurring payment request Please check [Apple Pay
docs]( NOTE: This will only be availble for iOS 16+ and subscripion parameter is on.
- Parameter applePayButtonType: Defines the type of the apple pay button like Pay with or Subscripe with etc. Default is Pay
- Parameter applePayButtonStyle: Defines the UI of the apple pay button white, black or outlined. Default is black
- Parameter showSaveCreditCard:Decides whether or not, the card input should show save card option for Tap and Merchant sides. Default is None
- Parameter shouldFlipCardData: Defines if the card info textfields should support RTL in Arabic mode or not
delegate: self,
currency: .KWD,
supportedCurrencies: [TapCurrencyCode.EGP.appleRawValue, TapCurrencyCode.KWD.appleRawValue],
amount: 100,
items: [.init(title: "Item Title", description: "Item Description", price: 100, quantity: 1, discount: nil, taxes: [], currency: .KWD)],
applePayMerchantID: "merchant.tap.gosell",
paymentType: .All,
transactionMode: .purchase,
customer: try! .init(emailAddress: .init(emailAddressString: "[email protected]"), phoneNumber: .init(isdNumber: "965", phoneNumber: "50000000"), name: "Customer Name", address: nil),
tapMerchantID: TapFormSettingsViewController.merchantSettings().3,
taxes: [],
shipping: nil,//.init(name: "Optional shipping fees", amount: 20),
require3DSecure: true,
sdkMode: .sandbox,
collectCreditCardName: true,
creditCardNameEditable: true,
creditCardNamePreload: "",
showSaveCreditCard: .Merchant,
isSubscription: false,
recurringPaymentRequest: nil,
applePayButtonType: .PayWithApplePay,
applePayButtonStyle: .Auto,
shouldFlipCardData: false,
onCheckOutReady: {[weak self] tapCheckOut in
DispatchQueue.main.async() {
tapCheckOut.start(presentIn: self)
Variables closer look
Let us take a closer look at the variables configuring the Checkout SDK
Variable | Sample value | Default value | Notes |
currency | .KWD | .USD | Represents the original transaction currency stated by the merchant on checkout start |
supportedCurrencies | [TapCurrencyCode.EGP.appleRawValue, TapCurrencyCode.KWD.appleRawValue] | nil | Represents the allowed currencies for the transaction. Leave nil for ALL, pass the 3 digits iso KWD, EGP, etc. |
amount | 100.12 | 1 | Represents the original total transaction amount stated by the merchant on checkout start |
items | [.init(title: "Item Title", description: "Item Description", price: 100, quantity: 1, discount: nil, taxes: [], currency: .KWD)] | [] | Represents the List of payment items if any. If no items are provided one will be created by default as PAY TO [MERCHANT NAME] -- Total value |
applePayMerchantID | "merchant.gosell" | "" | The Apple pay merchant id to be used inside the apple pay kit. You get this value from your Apple developer account. Please check Apple pay section for more details. |
paymentType | .CARD | .All | Represents which of payment methods group you want to enable. We have currently : .All, .Web, . Card, .Device |
transactionMode | .purchase | .purchase | Decide which transaction mode will be used in this call. We have currently : |
customer | try! .init(identifier: "cus_TS031720211012r4RM0403926") |
try! .init(identifier: "cus_TS031720211012r4RM0403926") |
Decides which customer is performing this transaction. It will help you as a merchant to define the payer afterwards |
destinations | [Destination(identifier: "destID", amount: 10, currency: .KWD)] | nil | Decides which destination(s) this transaction's amount should split to. |
tapMerchantID | "11233" | nil | The Tap identifier for your app. Please collect it from Tap's integration team |
taxes | [.init(title: "VAT", descriptionText: "TAX", amount: .init(type:.Fixed,value: 10))] | nil | Any taxes value you want to add above your transaction's value |
shipping | .init(name: "Shipping", amount: 10) | nil | Represents any additional shipping value you want to add to your transaction |
allowedCardTypes | [CardType(cardType: .Debit)] | [CardType(cardType: .All)] | ecides the allowed card types whether Credit or Debit or All. If not set all will be accepeted. |
postURL | URL(string: "") | nil | Tap backend will send a post request with the transaction result to the url if provided. |
paymentDescription | "paymentDescription" | nil | A description for the payment, that may help you linking it to your own database. |
paymentMetadata | "["key1":"value1"]" | nil | Extra data you want to attach to the transaction for your own purposes. |
paymentStatementDescriptor | "paymentStatementDescriptor" | nil | A description for the payment, That will appear in the statement. |
require3DSecure | true | true | This will tell if we have to force the 3DS when paying with cards. Please note, that even if it is passed as false , but it is required by the card's issuer bank the 3DS will be displayed. |
receiptSettings | Receipt(email: true, sms: true) | nil | This indicates which method to be used to tell the customer about the transaction by sending an email or SMS to him. |
authorizeAction | AuthorizeAction.capture(after: 24) | AuthorizeAction.default | Indicates what to do with the authorized amount after X amount of time. We currently have AuthorizeAction.capture & AuthorizeAction.void |
enableSaveCard | true | true | Whether you want to show save card option or not. |
isSaveCardSwitchOnByDefault | true | true | Whether to auto select save card option or not. |
sdkMode | .sandbox | .sandbox | Which environment you want to develop with now. |
collectCreditCardName | true | false | Whether or not you want to collect the card name when the customer is paying with a card. |
creditCardNameEditable | true | true | Whether you want to your customer to be able to edit the card name field while paying with a card. |
creditCardNamePreload | "Tap Payments" | "" | If you want to put a value in the card name field you can pass it here. |
These are the list of callbacks that you can listen to based on your context to fetch the required data/events from the Checkout SDK
/// Inform the delegate that we may need log some strings for further analysis
@objc optional func log(string:String)
Will be fired just before the sheet is dismissed
@objc optional func tapBottomSheetWillDismiss()
Will be fired once the controller is presented
@objc optional func tapBottomSheetPresented(viewController:UIViewController?)
Will be fired once the checkout fails for any error
@objc optional func checkoutFailed(in session:URLSessionDataTask?, for result:[String:String]?, with error:Error?)
Will be fired once the charge (CAPTURE) successfully transacted
@objc(checkoutChargeCaptured:) optional func checkoutCaptured(with charge:Charge)
Will be fired once the charge (AUTHORIZE) successfully transacted
@objc(checkoutAuthorizeCaptured:) optional func checkoutCaptured(with authorize:Authorize)
Will be fired once the charge (CAPTURE) successfully transacted
@objc(checkoutChargeFailed:) optional func checkoutFailed(with charge:Charge)
Will be fired once the charge (AUTHORIZE) successfully transacted
@objc(checkoutAuthorizeFailed:) optional func checkoutFailed(with authorize:Authorize)
Will be fired once the card is succesfully tokenized
@objc optional func cardTokenized(with token:Token)
Will be fired once apply pay tokenization fails
@objc optional func applePayTokenizationFailed(in session:URLSessionDataTask?, for result:[String:String]?, with error:Error?)
Will be fired once card tokenization fails
@objc optional func cardTokenizationFailed(in session:URLSessionDataTask?, for result:[String:String]?, with error:Error?)
Will be fired once save card tokenization fails
@objc optional func saveCardTokenizationFailed(in session:URLSessionDataTask?, for result:[String:String]?, with error:Error?)
Will be fired once the save card is done
@objc optional func saveCardSuccessfull(with savedCard:TapCreateCardVerificationResponseModel)
Will be fired once the save card failed
@objc optional func saveCardFailed(with savedCard:TapCreateCardVerificationResponseModel)
Minimum code to accept payments
/** To start a transaction you only need to pass these
1. Your Tap keys.
2. Amount.
3. Currency.
4. Customer.
TapCheckout.secretKey = .init(sandbox: "", production:"")
let checkout:TapCheckout = .init()
currency: .KWD,
amount: 10,
customer: try! .init(emailAddress: .init(emailAddressString: "[email protected]"), phoneNumber: nil, name: "TAP CUSTOMER", address: nil),
onCheckOutReady: {[weak self] tapCheckOut in
DispatchQueue.main.async() {
tapCheckOut.start(presentIn: self)
Using our pay button
The code mentiond above, is showing how to show our Checkout SDK
, as a generic action you can embedd/fire from any UI element. We also, provide a Pay button
that will show Pay
+ Custom loader
as a UI element you can put it inside your UIView.
Class parameters
/// The outlet reference for the Tap button you have inside your story board.
@IBOutlet weak var tapPayButton: TapActionButton!
/// The pay button view model. That will be used to construct and listen to events fired from the button.
let tapPayButtonViewModel:TapPayButtonViewModel = .init()
Configure the Pay button
/// A sample code that sets up the button with the view model, set the status of the button & define the action to be called when the button is clicked.
func adjustTapButton() {
tapPayButton.setup(with: tapPayButtonViewModel)
tapPayButtonViewModel.buttonStatus = .ValidPayment
tapPayButtonViewModel.buttonActionBlock = { [weak self] in
Ending the loading state of the Tap button
/// Just expand
/// You can end loading by showing a status and do logic on completion
tapPayButtonViewModel.endLoading(with: false) {
var message = "No error message"
if let result = result {
message = ""
result.tap_allKeys.forEach{ message = "\(message)\n\($0) : \(result[$0] ?? "")" }
if let error = error {
message = "\(message)\n\(error.localizedDescription)"
self.showAlert(title: "Error", message: message)