ChatMenu 1.1.0

ChatMenu 1.1.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Tangent.

ChatMenu 1.1.0

  • By
  • Tangent



  • iOS 9.0 or higher
  • Swift 3.0


Run the Sample project in Xcode to see ChatMenu in action.


ChatMenu is very simple to use, All you need just call a function:

/// Show a menu on a particular chat bubble view, with an action sheet
/// attached to it.
/// - Parameters:
///   - bubbleView: Chat bubble view.
///   - direction: The direction in which the bubble view is located.
///   - actions: Actions of the action sheet in menu.
///   - items: Items to show on the bubble view, such as emoji.
///   - dismissCallback: Called when menu will dismiss.
///   - completedDismissCallback: Called when menu did dismiss.
static func show(on bubbleView: UIView,
                     direction: Direction,
                     actions: [Action],
                     items: [BubbleItem],
                     dismissCallback: (() -> ())? = nil,
                     completedDismissCallback: (() -> ())? = nil)

Example usage

// Items
let emojis = "😀👍👎❤️🎉" { String($0) }
let items = { emoji in
	ChatMenu.BubbleItem(title: emoji, image: nil, action: { 
		print("did Selected" + emoji)

// Actions
let cameraAction = ChatMenu.Action(title: "Camera", tintColor: .green) {
	print("Open Camera")
let albumAction = ChatMenu.Action(title: "Album", tintColor: .orange) {
	print("Open Album")
let cancelAction = ChatMenu.Action(style: .cancel, title: "Cancel", tintColor: .red) { 
let actions = [cameraAction, albumAction, cancelAction]

// Show bubbleView,
              direction: .left,
              actions: actions,
              items: items,
              dismissCallback: { print("ChatMenu will dismiss") },
              completedDismissCallback: { print("ChatMenu did dismiss") })


The MIT License (MIT)