CaptureCocoaLumberjack 0.16.8

CaptureCocoaLumberjack 0.16.8

Maintained by bitdrift.

Depends on:
BitdriftCapture= 0.16.8
CocoaLumberjack~> 3.8

  • By
  • Bitdrift, Inc., Rafal Augustyniak and Miguel Angel Juárez López

Capture SDK by bitdrift | Slack


See the official documentation to learn more about how to integrate the library in your project.

The following code demonstrates an example setup of Capture SDK in your app:

import Capture

  withAPIKey: "<your-api-key>",
  sessionStrategy: .activityBased()


target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'BitdriftCapture'

  # Optional integration with CocoaLumberjack logging library
  pod 'CaptureCocoaLumberjack'
  # Optional integration with SwiftyBeaver logging library
  pod 'CaptureSwiftyBeaver'

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", from: "<version>")

Local Development

Open Package.swift file using Xcode to start developing.

Run make test to run project tests.

Run make format to run various formatting tools and linter checks.