CalendarHeatmap 0.1.3

CalendarHeatmap 0.1.3

Maintained by Zacharysp.

  • By
  • Zacharysp

Calendar Heatmap

CalendarHeatmap Title

CI Status Version License Platform



CalendarHeatmap is a calendar based heatmap which presenting a time series of data points in colors, inspired by Github contribution chart, and written in Swift.


CalendarHeatmap is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CalendarHeatmap'

CalendarHeatmap is also availabel through Carthage, by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "Zacharysp/CalendarHeatmap"


// minimum usage.
let startDate = Date()
let calendarHeatmap = CalendarHeatmap(startDate: startDate)
calendarHeatmap.delegate = self
// provide a range of date.
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let startDate = "2019-10-18")
let endDate = "2020-02-14")
// default endDate is now.
let calendarHeatmap = CalendarHeatmap(startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate)
// you could custom the heatmap by using CalendarHeatmapConfig.
let config = CalendarHeatmapConfig()
let calendarHeatmap = CalendarHeatmap(config: config, startDate: Date())
// reload the heatmap
let calendarHeatmap = CalendarHeatmap(startDate: ...)
// reload with new range of date.
calendarHeatmap.reload(newStartDate: ..., newEndDate: ...)

CalendarHeatmapConfig details.

Config Key Type Default
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white
contentRightInset CGFloat 60
itemColor UIColor UIColor.clear
itemSide CGFloat 20
interitemSpacing CGFloat 4
lineSpacing CGFloat 4
weekDayColor UIColor
weekDayStrings [String] DateFormatter(){ \$0.capitalized }
weekDayFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
weekDayWidth CGFloat 30
weekDayStandard Enum USandCanada
monthColor UIColor
monthStrings [String] DateFormatter().monthSymbols
monthFont UIFont UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
monthHeight CGFloat 20

Starts Monday or Sunday.

var config = CalendarHeatmapConfig()
config.weekDayStandard = .USandCanada // starts Sunday. (default)
config.weekDayStandard = .International // starts Monday

Scroll the calendar programmatically

calendarHeatMap.scrollTo(date: Date(...), at: .right, animated: false)

Make your ViewController adopts CalendarHeatmapDelegate

// color for date
func colorFor(dateComponents: DateComponents) -> UIColor {
    guard let year = dateComponents.year,
        let month = dateComponents.month,
        let day = else { return .clear}
    // manage your color based on date here
    let yourColor = {...}
    return yourColor

// (optional) selection at date
func didSelectedAt(dateComponents: DateComponents) {
    guard let year = dateComponents.year,
    let month = dateComponents.month,
    let day = else { return }
    // do something here

// (optional) notify finish loading the calendar
func finishLoadCalendar() {
    // do something here


Take a look at Example, to run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Zacharysp, [email protected]


CalendarHeatmap is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.