CafSolutions 1.0.0

CafSolutions 1.0.0

Maintained by


Caf iOS

Current versions


SDK Framework
DocumentDetector pod 'DocumentDetector', '13.0.0'
FaceAuth pod 'FaceAuth', '5.0.0'
FaceLiveness pod 'FaceLiveness', '6.0.0'


Deployment Info Version
iOS Target 13.0+
Xcode 15.4+
Swift 5.5+

Camera Usage Description

Make sure to add an NSCameraUsageDescription entry to your app's Info.plist file, explaining why your app requires camera access. For example: "To scan and verify identity documents."

Cocoapods SDK installation

Ensure you have CocoaPods installed. CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. If not installed, go through this getting started guide.

To initialize CocoaPods, navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run the following command to create a Podfile, if one doesn't already exist:

pod init

In your Podfile, you need to specify the reference to our framework. If you're adding our SDK for the first time, add the following line, replacing <framework_name> with the actual name of the framework and <version> with the desired version:

target 'your-project' do

  pod '<framework_name>', '<version>'

After editing your Podfile, save it and run the following command to install the SDK along with its dependencies and update your local spec repositories:

pod install --repo-update

For additional support and documentation, visit CocoaPods Guides.

Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of Use

When using our SDKs, please make sure that you agree with our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Use.