CYCircularScrollView 2.0.2

CYCircularScrollView 2.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by CYLee.

  • By
  • CY.Lee

Used for picture banner or information display like announcement.

alt tag



You can also import CYCircularScrollView to your project manually, but please notice that the picture banner CYPicBannerScrollView uses Kingfisher to load and cache the internet picture, so Kingfisher is required too. Of cource, you don't need to concern about this by the CocoaPods way.

How to use

The picture banner: CYPicBannerScrollView


CYPicBannerScrollView supports 3 kinds of data source: UIImage,Picture URL String and Model. 3 convenice init methods are corresponding to them.

  • UIImage
convenience init(frame:CGRect, images:[Any]?, didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?)
let imageArray = [UIImage(named: "banner_1")!,UIImage(named: "banner_2")!,UIImage(named: "banner_3")!]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                        images:imageArray ) { (index, data) in
    //click event
  • Picture URL String
convenience init(frame:CGRect, urlStrings:[Any]?, placeholder:UIImage?, didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?)
let urlArray = ["www","www","www"]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                        urlStrings: urlArray,
                                        placeholder: UIImage(named: "pic_placeholder")) { (index, data) in
    //click event
  • Model
convenience init(frame:CGRect, models:[Any]?, placeholder:UIImage?, modelImage:@escaping (Any)->(CYImageResult), didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?) 
let announceArray = [Announcement(title:"First Announcement",time:"2017-01-01",image:"p1"),
                    Announcement(title:"Second Announcement",time:"2017-01-02",image:"p2"),
                    Announcement(title:"Third Announcement",time:"2017-01-03",image:"p3")]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                        models: announceArray,
                                        placeholder: UIImage(named: "pic_placeholder"),
                                        modelImage: { (model) -> (CYImageResult) in
    let announcement = model as! Announcement
    return CYImageResult(data: UIImage(named: announcement.image)!, type: .image)
}) { (index, data) in
    //click event

For the source of Model, it's required to return a struct contains image data and type in the modelImage clousure. It supports type of UIImage like CYImageResult(data: UIImage(named: model.image)!, type: .image) or type of URL String like CYImageResult(data: "", type: .urlString).

2. Customization

CYPicBannerScrollViewsupport customization as below

bannerView.autoScrollInterval = 3.0 //interval of auto scroll,defalut is 5 sec

bannerView.pageControlPosition = .right //position of PageControl, default is center
bannerView.pageControlOffset = UIOffset(horizontal: -10, vertical: -5) //offset of PageControl,base on position of PageControl

//define the PageControl style as you wish
bannerView.pageControl.backgroundColor = UIColor(displayP3Red: 51/255.0, green: 51/255.0, blue: 51/255.0, alpha: 0.8)
bannerView.pageControl.layer.cornerRadius = 8

Customized circle scorll view:CYCircularScrollView

You can create a customized circle scorll view in 4 steps.

  • 1.inherit CYCircularScrollView
class CYAnnounceScrollView : CYCircularScrollView
  • 2.override var cellClass:UICollectionViewCell.Type property
override var cellClass:UICollectionViewCell.Type {
    return CYAnnounceCell.self //type of your circle view, a subclass of UICollectionViewCell
  • 3.override func configureCollectionCell(_ cell:UICollectionViewCell, data:Any) -> UICollectionViewCell method
override func configureCollectionCell(_ cell:UICollectionViewCell, data:Any) -> UICollectionViewCell {

    let announceCell = cell as! CYAnnounceCell

    if let announcement:Announcement = data as? Announcement{
        announceCell.announcement = announcement

    return announceCell
  • 4.override the optional property depend on your need
override var scrollDirection:CYScrollDirection {
    return .vertical//scroll direction,defalut is .horizontal

override var isScrollEnabled:Bool {
    return false//can be scrolled or not,defalut is true

After 4 steps, you can use you customized circle scorll view now~

let annouceScrollView = CYAnnounceScrollView(frame:, datas: self.announceArray) { (index, data) in
    //click event

For more detail, you can find in Demo.






1. 初始化


  • UIImage类型
convenience init(frame:CGRect, images:[Any]?, didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?)
let imageArray = [UIImage(named: "banner_1")!,UIImage(named: "banner_2")!,UIImage(named: "banner_3")!]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                           images:imageArray ) { (index, data) in
    //click event
  • 图片链接字符串
convenience init(frame:CGRect, urlStrings:[Any]?, placeholder:UIImage?, didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?)
let urlArray = ["www","www","www"]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                       urlStrings: urlArray,
                                       placeholder: UIImage(named: "pic_placeholder")) { (index, data) in
    //click event
  • 数据模型(Model)
convenience init(frame:CGRect, models:[Any]?, placeholder:UIImage?, modelImage:@escaping (Any)->(CYImageResult), didSelected:((Int,Any)->())?) 
let announceArray = [Announcement(title:"First Announcement",time:"2017-01-01",image:"p1"),
                    Announcement(title:"Second Announcement",time:"2017-01-02",image:"p2"),
                    Announcement(title:"Third Announcement",time:"2017-01-03",image:"p3")]
let bannerView = CYPicBannerScrollView(frame:,
                                       models: announceArray,
                                       placeholder: UIImage(named: "pic_placeholder"),
                                       modelImage: { (model) -> (CYImageResult) in
    let announcement = model as! Announcement
    return CYImageResult(data: UIImage(named: announcement.image)!, type: .image)
}) { (index, data) in
    //click event

对于对象模型类型的初始化,需要在modelImage闭包中根据数据模型返回图片数据源,支持直接返回UIImage如:CYImageResult(data: UIImage(named: model.image)!, type: .image)或链接字符串如:CYImageResult(data: "", type: .urlString)

2. 自定义样式


bannerView.autoScrollInterval = 3.0 //自动翻页间隔,默认为5秒

bannerView.pageControlPosition = .right //PageControl的位置,默认为center
bannerView.pageControlOffset = UIOffset(horizontal: -10, vertical: -5) //PageControl的基于位置的偏移量

bannerView.pageControl.backgroundColor = UIColor(displayP3Red: 51/255.0, green: 51/255.0, blue: 51/255.0, alpha: 0.8)
bannerView.pageControl.layer.cornerRadius = 8



  • 1.继承 CYCircularScrollView
class CYAnnounceScrollView : CYCircularScrollView
  • 2.覆写var cellClass:UICollectionViewCell.Type属性
override var cellClass:UICollectionViewCell.Type {
    return CYAnnounceCell.self //循环的视图类型,需为UICollectionViewCell子类
  • 3.覆写func configureCollectionCell(_ cell:UICollectionViewCell, data:Any) -> UICollectionViewCell方法
override func configureCollectionCell(_ cell:UICollectionViewCell, data:Any) -> UICollectionViewCell {

    let announceCell = cell as! CYAnnounceCell

    if let announcement:Announcement = data as? Announcement{
        announceCell.announcement = announcement

    return announceCell
  • 4.根据需求覆写属性
override var scrollDirection:CYScrollDirection {
    return .vertical//滚动方向,默认为.horizontal

override var isScrollEnabled:Bool {
    return false//是否可以手动滚动,默认为true


let annouceScrollView = CYAnnounceScrollView(frame:, datas: self.announceArray) { (index, data) in
    //click event
