CPLabelSwitch 0.1.2

CPLabelSwitch 0.1.2

Maintained by Cristian Petra.

  • By
  • cristipetra


CI Status Version License Platform


LabelSwitch is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CPLabelSwitch'


You can create the view through code or InterfaceBuilder

let ls = LabelSwitchConfig(text: "Text1",
textColor: .white,
font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15),
backgroundColor: .red)

let rs = LabelSwitchConfig(text: "Text2",
textColor: .white,
font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 20),
backgroundColor: .green)

// Set the default state of the switch,
let labelSwitch = LabelSwitch(center: .zero, leftConfig: ls, rightConfig: rs)

// Set the appearance of the circle button
labelSwitch.circleShadow = false
labelSwitch.circleColor = .red

// Make switch be triggered by tapping on any position in the switch
labelSwitch.fullSizeTapEnabled = true

// Set the delegate to inform when the switch was triggered
labelSwitch.delegate = self

extension ViewController: LabelSwitchDelegate {
func switchChangToState(_ state: LabelSwitchState) {
switch state {
case .L: print("circle on left")
case .R: print("circle on right")

you can also make the switch background to be image or gradient color

// gradient color
init(text: String, textColor: UIColor, font: UIFont, gradientColors: [CGColor], startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint)

// image
init(text: String, textColor: UIColor, font: UIFont, image: UIImage?)


artep, [email protected]


CPLabelSwitch is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.