CBitcoin 0.5.1

CBitcoin 0.5.1

Maintained by Wolf McNally.

CBitcoin 0.5.1

  • By
  • Wolf McNally


CI Status Version License Platform

C bindings for libbitcoin. Intended primarily as support for the Bitcoin framework, which depends on this one and provides Swift bindings for libbitcoin.

Blog Post

On January 25, 2019 I published an announcement for this framework on my blog here.


  • Swift 4.2

  • This distribution includes pre-built fat frameworks for libbitcoin and its dependencies: libboost, and libsecp256k1. In order to check out this large pre-built file, you need to install the latest version of Git and the Git Large File Storage handler:

$ brew install git
$ brew install git-lfs
$ which git
$ git --version
git version 2.20.1

Unit Tests

Tests for CBitcoin are available in the Bitcoin framework.


CBitcoin is available through Cocoapads. To install it, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CBitcoin'

Building the frameworks yourself

If you wish, you can run the included build_frameworks.sh script to build the frameworks for libbitcoin, libboost, and libsecp256k1 from scratch. This will take significant time.


Wolf McNally, [email protected]


CBitcoin is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.