CBPhotoPicker 0.1.30

CBPhotoPicker 0.1.30

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Benjamin Hendricks.

  • By
  • Benjamin Hendricks


A customizable photo picker view controller for iOS – Swift

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Initial Setup Instructions

  1. Ensure you have the latest version of Xcode installed on your computer. You can find the latest release at https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/
  2. Install cocoapods to your Mac by opening Terminal and executing the command > sudo gem install cocoapods

Cocoa Pod Instructions

  1. Add pod 'CBPhotoPicker' to your Podfile

  2. Run pod install


Initial Setup Instructions

At the top of the file where you’d like to use CBPhotoPicker, insert import CBPhotoPicker


Create a photo picker by instantiating a photo picker view controller.

In code, that would be:

let photoPicker = CBPhotoPickerViewController(frame: view.frame, aspectRatio: 1)
photoPicker.delegate = self
self.presentViewController(photoPicker, animated: true, completion: {})

This will present a photo picker with an aspect ratio of the picked image as 1:1.

As of right now, if you don’t provide you’re own dismissal strategy, triple tap will dismiss the photo picker


The class presenting the above photo picker needs to conforming to CBPhotoPickerViewControllerDelegate protocol, which involves two methods. The handleCancel() method right now doesn’t do anything, but the handleSuccess method will properly give you the result image when the photo picker is dismissed.



Added a push behavior to bring all images that go off screen back into the view. I think there is a bug where if it’s zoomed in you lose the zoom state, but otherwise it works!


BREAKING CHANGES – you now need to add 2 parameters to your calls to initialize a CBPhotoPickerViewController.

let photoPicker = CBPhotoPickerViewController(frame: view.frame, aspectRatio: 1, placeholder: nil, cbPhotoPickerStyle: style)
photoPicker.delegate = self
self.presentViewController(photoPicker, animated: true, completion: {})

The placeholder image is what is shown to your users before they choose an image. The style parameter is required, but a default style is provided. To get the style, just do:

let style = CBPhotoPickerStyle.defaultStyle()

Alternatively, if you want to customize the appearance of the photo picker (so far we’ve only opened up the tintColor for text/buttons, and the selectionColor of the image cells)

let style = CBPhotoPickerStyle.customStyle(UIColor.blueColor(), tintColor: UIColor.whiteColor())

Change this around to make it look however you want it to look!


Fixed the constraints breaking in the background, no more annoying spam log messages!


Made some variables public to be visible to use the photo picker in storyboards.


Made a lot of changes:

  • completely revamped how I use touch gestures, made it a scroll view instead of my gesture recognizers…this simplifies the logic greatly
  • no more rotation of images, I will bring back quarter turns as a future feature
  • had to bring the overlay view up a level from the image view, so that it can be seen over it.
  • fixed all snapping and zooming snap


  • Fixed the weird snapping behavior when tapping on a new photo after having zoomed on the first photo
  • Added support for hiding the grid overlay – this is done through an optional parameter in the custom style
  • More bug fixes


  • Fixed image centering and showing black areas – that never happens now!
  • Re-fixed the cropping at the end, since I had switched to using a scroll view I had broken it.
  • More bug fixes


  • Fixed tiny bug, should resolve a possible crash in a user’s code.


  • Added DZNEmptyDataSet as an imported framework, so as to have better no data scenarios for users.


  • Fixing pod spec issues


UPDATE FROM 0.14 to THIS VERSION. 0.15-0.19 are junk, and do not work because of a failed importing of DZNEmptyDataSet v0.1.21 will include an empty state of my own creation.


  • Finally got empty states working. Now when you have no pictures in your library, a camera prompt will be shown which will allow you to take a picture.


  • Added a public flag that tells you if the user has already selected an image or not


  • Fixed an empty state issue where the empty state would be overlayed on top of photos in certain cases


  • No changes, all changes were reverted


  • Added deep link to settings if access is denied to allow access. Better handling of this will come soon!

In the Pipeline

  • add rotation back in
  • add more customization
  • better grid layout helper
  • snap up and down the image preview part with the bottom collection view so that it can take full screen