BubbleTextField 0.0.2

BubbleTextField 0.0.2

Maintained by Chris Zielinski.


Platform Pod Version Carthage compatible Swift Version GitHub license


An Expanding Bubble Text Field. 💬
Written in Swift, and inspired by Xcode's refactor text field.


  • Auto-expanding width
  • Continuous spell checking
  • Supports placeholderString


BubbleTextField is available for installation using CocoaPods or Carthage. Alternatively, you can simply copy the BubbleTextField.swift file into your Xcode project.

Using CocoaPods

pod "BubbleTextField"

Using Carthage

github "chriszielinski/BubbleTextField"

Quick Start

The sample projects provide an example of how to integrate a BubbleTextField using a Storyboard, otherwise you can follow these steps.

Just create and add the BubbleTextField to your view hierarchy.

let bubbleTextField = BubbleTextField()
// Optionally, activate spell checking.
bubbleTextField.isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled = true

~groovy~ 🏖️


  • Found a bug? Open an issue.
  • Feature idea? Open an issue. Do it yourself & PR when done 😅 (or you can open an issue).
  • Want to contribute? Submit a pull request.

Used In

  • 😢



BubbleTextField is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.