BrowsePictureViewController 1.3.7

BrowsePictureViewController 1.3.7

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2016

Maintained by guoshencheng.

Depends on:
Masonry>= 0
pop>= 0

  • By
  • guoshencheng


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Masonry Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
  • POP An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.


iOS 7 or higher


BrowsePictureViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "BrowsePictureViewController"



  • waterMarkImge:Make a watermark if need, this property configure the image of watermark
  • saveString: The string in the left bottom, just prepare for localizing
  • + (instancetype)sharedConfig; : Return the shared config object global


The animation for pushing BrowseViewController, use facebook pop animation, useing BasePopAnimation temporarily

UIImage (WaterMark)

- (UIImage *)addMsakImage:(UIImage *)maskImage text:(NSString *)text msakRect:(CGRect)msakRect textRect:(CGRect)textRect fontSize:(CGFloat)fontSize;

Utility Extension Category for add water mark


The Controller for Browse picture

typedef void(^ImageDownLoadFinish)(UIImage *image, NSInteger index); : A block for download image

Public Method

  • + (instancetype)create : the function for create BrowsePictureViewController
  • - (UIImageView *)currentImageView return the current ImageView browsing
  • - (UIImageView *)currentOriginImageView return the current origin ImageView (this function just redirect the tast to Delegate - (UIImageView *)browsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController imageViewAtIndex:(NSInteger)index)
  • - (void)showHideAllViews:(BOOL)show show hide some views in animation
For all public functions, just the create is useful the users, others is used to make animation


  • - (NSInteger)numberOfImagesInBrowsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePitureViewController; : return the number of Images in BrowsePictureViewController
  • - (NSString *)browsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController textAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;: return the text which will be made a water mark if need
  • - (void)browsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController downLoadImage:(ImageDownLoadFinish)downLoadImage index:(NSInteger)Index; : down loadimage delegate, the download function is made a delegate for muti implements of download image
  • - (void)browsePictureViewControllerDidFinishSaving:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController; : the delegate for notification of finish saving
  • - (UIImageView *)browsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController imageViewAtIndex:(NSInteger)index; : return imageview for index

UINavigationController (BrowsePictureViewController)

A extension category for push BrowsePictureViewController

For pushing BrowsePictureViewController, make sure to use the function - (void)pushBrowsePictureViewController:(BrowsePictureViewController *)browsePictureViewController; to push


Century guo, [email protected]


BrowsePictureViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.