BoltProtocol 5.2.0

BoltProtocol 5.2.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License BSD
ReleasedLast Release Jul 2020
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Niklas Saers.

Depends on:
PackStream~> 1.1.2
SwiftNIO~> 2.19.0
SwiftNIOSSL~> 2.8.0
SwiftNIOTransportServices~> 1.7.0


The Bolt network protocol is a network protocol designed for high-performance access to graph databases. Bolt is a connection-oriented protocol, using a compact binary encoding over TCP or web sockets for higher throughput and lower latency.

The reference implementation can be found [here][]. This codebase is the Swift implementation, and is used by Theo, the Swift Neo4j driver.


The implementation supports both SSL-encrypted and plain-text connections. If there is no certificate and key provided with the SSL configuration, Bolt-swift will attempt to generate it.


Note, tests are destructive to the data in the database under test, so run them on a database created especially for running the tests

Getting started

To use directly with Xcode, type "swift package generate-xcodeproj"

Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your dependencies array in Package.swift:

.Package(url: "",
 majorVersion: 0),

and you can now do a

swift build