BlueRocketFuelCore 0.14.0

BlueRocketFuelCore 0.14.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2016

Maintained by Matt Magoffin, wmjesstaylor.

Blue Rocket Fuel Core

This project provides core modules to help kick start iOS applications. It works in tandem with the BlueRocketFuelAppp starter project. Each module is available as a Cocoapod subspec and can be imported into projects like

pod 'BlueRocketFuelCore/Core'

By default all modules will be imported if your Podfile contains just

pod 'BlueRocketFuelCore'

Module: Core

The Core module provides basic support for the following areas:

  • a user domain object
  • a simple keychain service for saving sensitive information in the OS keychain
  • a localization framework based on a JSON strings file format
  • a configuration framework based on BREnvironment and a JSON configuration file format
  • various utilities, such as date formatting and validation

Module: UI

The UI module provides UI components and support for the following areas:

  • NIB object and view localization based on the Core module localization framework
  • an options tray view controller for application navigation
  • various utilities, such as image manipulation and effects

Module: WebApiClient-RestKit

The WebApiClient-RestKit module provides provides mapping support for the core domain objects. The BRRestKitDataMapping class is a good starting point for applications to extend: it registers object mappers for the BRAppUser domain object for the standardized login and register route names.

Module: WebApiClient-Services

The WebApiClient-Services module provides a WebApiClient implementation of the BRUserService API, to handle login and registration tasks.

Module: WebRequest

The WebRequest module provides a HTTP client framework based on NSURLConnection that can be configured via the Core module configuration framework along with some simple conventions.


Web service configuration and support is managed via three areas:

The config.json file

This JSON file is where you define all the endpoints that your web service provides. You will need to specify the path and method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) for each end point here.

BREnvironment settings

The URL, port and protocol of your web service are configured via BREnvironment.

Web service endpoint classes

For each endpoint in your web service you will want to implement a class. Name the class using a naming convention of {EndPoint}WebServiceRequest, where {EndPoint} is the name of the endpoint you defined in the config.json file with the first letter capitalized.

Your custom web service endpoint class should then subclass one of the following built-in BRFC classes, depending on which one best fits the endpoint:


For public, non-restricted endpoints that do not require an authenticated user token to access.


For endpoints that require an authenticated user token (passed in the "USER-AUTHORIZATION" HTTP header) to access.


For endpoints that not only require an authenticated user token to access, but also require the user's record ID appended to the path of the end point. Subclasses of this would typically be for endpoints that provide user-specific details, such as a user profile endpoint.