TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | SwiftSwift |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Aug 2017 |
SwiftSwift Version | 4.0 |
SPMSupports SPM | ✗ |
Maintained by Logan Sease.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
This project uses Swift 4 and will only run on XCode 9+ (in beta at the time of writing). To download a beta of xcode 9, see developer.apple.com/ios
For a swift 3 compatible version, please see release v0.1.9
BlockstackCoreApi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "BlockstackCoreApi-iOS"
Complete these setup steps if your app uses Blockstack Authorization.
1- create a unique custom url schema for your app to handle auth callbacks from blockstack. In your info.plist, you must add the following entry allowing the blockstack app to open your application after authorization. You must also add a blockstack callback url parameter.
2- add blockstack to your query schemes so that the app is allowed to verify blockstack is installed
3- In your app delegate, did open url method, you must pass on the authorization response from blockstack
//in order to complete the authorization process we must call the browser auth openURL method so it may
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if let scheme = url.scheme, scheme.contains("bsk")
return BlockstackAuth.application(app, open: url, options: options)
return false
4- Now, you may verify the blockstack app is installed and that authorization can be completed with:
//verify blockstack is installed.
guard BlockstackAuth.canAuthorize() == true else
For more info on install the portal application see: https://github.com/BedKin/BlockstackBrowser-ios
To call blockstack for authorization:
BlockstackAuth.authorize() { (token) in
if let token = token
//app authorized. Use the provided token
To Log out
To get the current user profile and name after login
if let name = BlockstackAuth.currentUserProfile()?.name
//display user name
//check that we are logged in and serialize some object into data then write it to storage
if BlockstackAuth.loggedIn() == true, let data = myDataObject.serialize()
BlockstackStorage.shared().writeToStorage(resourceIdentifier: "MY_DATA_FILE", data: data , handler: { (writtenData, error) in
if let _ = writtenData
//the data was written to file
//check that we are logged in, and if so then read our data from storage and then deserialize it into
//our data object
if BlockstackAuth.loggedIn() == true
BlockstackStorage.shared().readFromStorage(resourceIdentifier: "MY_DATA_FILE", handler: { (readData, error) in
if let deserialized = Object.deserialize(from: readData)
//our data has been read and objects deserialized
The blockstack core api can be accessed via CoreApi For a listing of all the api methods and documentation see core.blockstack.org
func ping()
CoreApi.ping { (result, error) in }
func allNames()
CoreApi.allNames { (result, error) in }
func nameInfo(){
CoreApi.nameInfo(for: "muneeb.id", { (result, error) in })
func zoneFile(){
CoreApi.zoneFile(for: "muneeb.id", with: "b100a68235244b012854a95f9114695679002af9", { (result, error) in })
func namesOwned(){
CoreApi.namesOwned(on: "bitcoin", for: "1Q3K7ymNVycu3TQoTDUaty8Q5fUVB3feEQ", { (result, error) in })
func allNamespaces(){
CoreApi.allNamespaces({ (result, error) in })
func namespaceNames(){
CoreApi.namespaceNames(namespace: "id") { (result, error) in }
func namespacePrice(){
CoreApi.namespacePrice(namespace: "cnn") { (result, error) in }
func namePrice(){
CoreApi.namePrice(name: "logan.id") { (result, error) in }
func consensusHash(){
CoreApi.consensusHash(blockchain: "bitcoin") { (result, error) in }
func pendingTransactions(){
CoreApi.pendingTransactions(blockchain: "bitcoin") { (result, error) in }
func userProfile(){
CoreApi.userProfile(username: "fredwilson") { (result, error) in }
func search(){
CoreApi.search(query: "taylor") { (result, error) in }
jsontokens-js has been incoporated into this library through through the JavaScriptCore framework and wrapped inside the TokenSigner class
let token = ["iat" : NSNumber(value: 1440713414.85)]
let privateKey = "278a5de700e29faae8e40e366ec5012b5ec63d36ec77e8a2417154cc1d25383f"
let publicKey = "03fdd57adec3d438ea237fe46b33ee1e016eda6b585c3e27ea66686c2ea5358479"
//sign a token
let signed = TokenSigner.shared().sign(tokenPayload: token, privateKey: privateKey)!
//decode a signed token
let decoded = TokenSigner.shared().decodeToken(signed) as! [String : Any]
//sign a token without a private key
let unsecured = TokenSigner.shared().createUnsecuredToken(tokenPayload: token)!
//verify a signed token via public key
let verified = TokenSigner.shared().verify(token: signed, publicKey: publicKey)
A few important JWT / private / public key methods have been included in the javascript wrapper and can be accessed as follows
let pk = CryptoUtils.shared().makeECPrivateKey()
let pubKey = CryptoUtils.shared().derivePublicKey(privateKey: pk)
let did = CryptoUtils.shared().makeDID(from: pubKey)
let uuid = CryptoUtils.shared().makeUUID4()
let address = CryptoUtils.shared().address(from: pubKey)
//generate a new recovery passphrase (from a new private key)
let passphrase = CryptoUtils.shared().generatePassphrase()
//verify a passphrase
let verifiedPass = CryptoUtils.shared().validatePassphrase(passphrase)
//get the private key from a generated pass phrase
let passphraseKey = CryptoUtils.shared().privateKey(from: passphrase)
For info on how to rebuild the jsontokens.js file for updates to jsontokens-js see the file Resources/BlockstackCoreApi/Assets/howto-rebuild-jsontoken.txt
Logan Sease, [email protected]
BlockstackCoreApi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.