Blockly 1.2.2

Blockly 1.2.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2018
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Victor Ng, Cory Diers, Google.

Blockly 1.2.2

  • By
  • Google Inc.

Blockly for iOS

Blockly is a library for building drag-and-drop visual editors for
JavaScript, Python, Lua, and several other programming languages.

Blockly for iOS is similar to its web counterpart in terms of API, but is:

  • Optimized for native iOS performance and easier integration in iOS apps
  • Written in Swift, with backwards compatibility for Objective-C projects
  • Designed with better touch support, such as custom input controls and

Here is a demo of using Blockly for iOS to program a "turtle":

Blockly demo


Blockly for iOS includes:

  • All major features available in Blockly for Web and Android
  • Multi-touch support (currently only on iOS)
  • Block animations (currently only on iOS)

The Blockly team is actively working on achieving feature parity across
all three platforms to support cross-platform development.


Supports devices running iOS 8.0 or above.

Get Started

To get started using Blockly for iOS, follow this guide.

To run through an exercise in creating an iOS app with Blockly, see our codelab.

API Reference

For complete API documentation, visit our API Reference Page.


Google is proud to offer Blockly for iOS for free and open source
under the Apache License, version 2.0.


Blockly has an active developer forum. Please drop by and say hello. Show us
your prototypes early; collectively we have a lot of experience and can offer
hints which will save you time.


Help us focus our development efforts by telling us what you are doing with
. The questionnaire only takes a few minutes and will help us better
support the Blockly community.


Want to contribute? Great! First, read our guidelines for contributors.