To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
iOS 8 and above
Docker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Blabber"
If you want to manage your logs with CocoaLumberjack use subpod
pod "Blabber/CocoaLumberjack"
Blabber is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Blabber is a library that provides a common wrapper to our each library (ex. Docker, Umarell, ...) to log messages with different filter levels.
By default it writes all messages (depending about filter level set) with NSLog.
You can also use SDLoggerDelegate protocol, set as logger delegate and manage your messages implementing method logger:didReceiveLogWithLevel:syncMode:module:file:function:line:format:arguments:
Otherwise if you want to use CocoaLumberjack to log your messages you can use the subpod Blabber/CocoaLumberjack.
Define your log module
If you want to define a specific log module (ex. in your private pod), you can use SDLoggerModuleProtocol
- (NSString*) loggerModuleName
return "your module name";
- (SDLogLevel) loggerModuleLogLevel
return [[SDLogger sharedLogger] logLevelForModuleWithName:self.loggerModuleName];
- (void) setLoggerModuleLogLevel:(SDLogLevel)level
[[SDLogger sharedLogger] setLogLevel:level forModuleWithName:self.loggerModuleName];