BeyondIdentityEmbedded 2.0.9

BeyondIdentityEmbedded 2.0.9

Maintained by Anna Garcia, BeyondIdentity CI Bot.

  • By
  • Beyond Identity

Beyond Identity

Universal Passkeys for Developers

All devices. Any protocol. Zero shared secrets.

Beyond Identity Swift SDK


version support

SwiftPM compatible

Cocoapods compatible

Embedded SDK

Goodbye, passwords! The Beyond Identity SDKs allow you to embed the Passwordless experience into your product. A set of functions are provided to you through the Embedded namespace. These SDKs supports OIDC and OAuth 2.0.


Swift Package Manager

From Xcode

  1. From the Xcode File menu, select Add Packages and add the following url:
  1. Select a version and hit Next.
  2. Select a target matching the SDK you wish to use.

From Package.swift

  1. With Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: [version])
  1. Run swift build


Add the pod to your Podfile:

pod 'BeyondIdentityEmbedded'

And then run:

pod install

After installing import with

import BeyondIdentityEmbedded


Check out the Developer Documentation and the SDK API Documentation for more information.


First, before calling the Embedded functions, make sure to initialize the SDK.

import BeyondIdentityEmbedded

    allowedDomains: [String] = [""],
    biometricAskPrompt: String,
    logger: ((OSLogType, String) -> Void)? = nil,
    callback: @escaping(Result<Void, BISDKError>) -> Void