Bedrock 3.0.0

Bedrock 3.0.0

Maintained by James Power, Ryan Wachowski, Sylvester Watts, Sean ODonnell.

Bedrock 3.0.0


CocoaPods Carthage compatible build status

Bedrock is a utility library which provides common extensions of Foundation. The functionality included spans multiple paradigms and is intended to ease users into the nuanced expressivity of Swift.



Cocoapods: pod 'Bedrock', '~> 3.0'. See Bedrock.podspec for more information.

Carthage: github "DuetHealth/Bedrock" ~> 3.0 && carthage update

Swift Package Manager: .package(url: "", "3.0.0" ..< "4.0.0")

Running tests

Run the command pod install to install the project's test dependencies and generate the workspace. Open Bedrock.xcworkspace, select the framework target, and press ⌘ + U to execute the test action of the target.


Bedrock is MIT-licensed. The MIT license is included in the root of the repository.