BMXCall 2.3.6

BMXCall 2.3.6

Maintained by ButterflyMX, Admin.

Depends on:
BMXCore~> 2.3.6
TwilioVideo~> 5.8

BMXCall 2.3.6

  • By
  • ButterflyMX


Swift Package Manager (Package.swift file)

If your project utilizes its own Package.swift file, you have the option to include ButterflyMX as a dependency within that file. Follow the steps below to add the BMXSDK package to your dependencies list.

  1. Include the ButterflyMX package in your list of dependencies:
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.3.1"))
  1. Add a dependency on the BmxCore and BmxCall products to the targets that will use ButterflyMX within your application:
    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
        .product(name: "BMXCore", package: "butterflymx-sdk-ios"),
        .product(name: "BMXCall", package: "butterflymx-sdk-ios")

Swift Package Manager (Xcode project)

  1. In Xcode, navigate to File > Add Packages....
  2. In the dialog box that appears, paste the URL of the BMXSDK repository ( into the search bar. Wait for the butterflymx-sdk-ios package to appear in the search results.
  3. Choose the desired version of the ButterflyMX package, then click Add Package.
  4. In the list of available packages, select both the BmxCore and BmxCall packages.
  5. Finally, click Add Package to add the selected packages to your project.