BFRTableReorder 0.0.3

BFRTableReorder 0.0.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2017

Maintained by Jordan Morgan.

  • By
  • Andrew Yates and Jordan Morgan



The BFRTableReorder is an out of the box solution to add long press reordering to your ASDK apps 🎉! It started off as an Objective-C port of the excellent Swift Reorder by Adam Shin, but we ended up hacking it apart for ASDK purposes.

We use it all over the place in Buffer for iOS :-).


The BFRTableReorder is hosted on CocoaPods and is the recommended way to install it:

pod 'BFRTableReorder'


To get up and running quickly with BFRTableReorder, just initialize it by accessing the property off of any ASTableNode and setting its delegate property. From there, you're only required to implement one delegate method, but there are several optional ones that can help out as well:

- (void)tableNode:(ASTableNode *)tableNode redorderRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)fromIndexPath toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)toIndexPath;

Of course, you need to include one header file wherever you want some reordering action to happen 😊:

#import "ASTableNode+BFRReorder.h"

Going Forward

We regularly maintain this code, and you can also rest assured that it's been battle tested against thousands of users in production 👍. That said, we get things wrong from time to time - so feel free to open an issue for anything you spot!

We are always happy to talk shop, so feel free to give us a shout on Twitter:

Or, hey - why not work on the BFRTableReorder and get paid for it!? We're hiring!


This project uses MIT License.