BBSInspector 0.1.5

BBSInspector 0.1.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Cyril Chandelier.

  • By
  • Cyril Chandelier


Extendable device and application information in your iOS application

ScreenShot - ScreenShot - ScreenShot


Using CocoaPods (iOS 8 and above): pod 'BBSInspector'. You will need to import the pod everywhere you want to use the library the Swift way:

import BBSInspector

Getting started

Simply enable inspector (for instance, AppDelegate’s application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: is a good place to do it) to add right bottom button to your app:


Mind that the makeKeyAndVisible of the window should have been called BEFORE enabling inspector (a crash will occur otherwise), if using a storyboard, this line doesn’t come with the template, simply add it before calling the enableInspector method.

Extending BBSInspector

You can add custom information to BBSInspector by providing a BBSInspectorDataSource to the method :

let customInspectorDataSource: BBSInspectorDataSource = BBSInspectorDataSource()
customInspectorDataSource.customInspectorInformationItems = {
    return [
        // Custom BBSInspectorInformation items
BBSInspector.sharedInstance.dataSource = customInspectorDataSource

A basic information item represents data with a title and a description, touching its cell in Inspector will copy the caption into clipboard.

BBSInspectorInformation(title: "Environment", caption: "PRODUCTION")

An action information item can be registered to have an action executed when user clicks onto the its cell :

BBSInspectorInformation(title: "Test information", caption: "Click here to display an alert", captionColor: UIColor.blueColor(), action: { () -> Void in
            UIAlertView(title: "Information", message: "Hello, World!", delegate: nil, cancelButtonTitle: "OK").show()

Reloading data

Once computed, data can be displayed in the inspector modal. But sometimes, data isn’t static and should be reloaded (for instance when a registration token has arrived or when user logged in).


Push token

If your application supports push notifications, you can set this data to BBSInspectorDataSource object.

func application(application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData)
    BBSInspector.sharedInstance.dataSource.deviceToken = deviceToken


When changing the root view controller of your main window, the bottom view is suddendly hidden. Run the following code to ensure it comes back to front:



This component is Objective-C compatible. Mind that you will need to import your project Swift header before being able to use the library:

#import "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME-Swift.h"

The project also need to have the following build settings set to YES:

  • Embedded Content Contains Swift Code
  • Install Objective-C Compatibility Header

iOS 7

BBSInspector can also be used with iOS 7 but CocoaPods doesn’t support Swift pods for iOS 7. You can still copy the content of Library/Classes/ into your project or use a Git submodule (prefered).