Autobooks 1.12.1

Autobooks 1.12.1

Maintained by Jon Shier, George Royce, Joshua Eckstein.

Autobooks 1.12.1

  • By
  • Autobooks

Autobooks SDK

The Autobooks SDK provides an interface for Apple's ProximityReader framework and various Autobooks web features and API to provide an integrated payment experience for your users. It presents its own standalone UI over that of the embedding app. As such, its architecture is most similar to that of a small app rather than a typical SDK.


Minimum requirements

  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 13.4

Additionally, a US-based IP address may be required to connect to the Autobooks SDK backend.

Tap to Pay requirements

  • iOS 16+
  • Tap to Pay on iPhone entitlement
  • A physical iPhone XS or later

1. Install the Autobooks SDK

Currently both CocoaPods and manual installs are supported. Swift Package Manager (SPM) support is coming soon.


To integrate using CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile.

pod 'Autobooks'

Manual install

  1. Download the Autobooks SDK repository.
  2. Drag the xcframeworks contained within the Frameworks directory into your project, making sure Copy items if needed is checked when Xcode prompts.
  3. Drag the xcframeworks that now appear in the Project Navigator into your target's Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section if necessary.
  4. Set the Embed setting to Embed & Sign for each library.

2. Set up the entitlement for Tap to Pay on iPhone

You must set up the Tap to Pay on iPhone Entitlement. To access the request form, you must hold an organization-level Apple Developer account and be logged in as the Account Holder.

3. Usage

First, import the Autobooks framework:

import Autobooks


All of the AB.start* methods allow passing an AB.Configuration value to control various behaviors within the SDK. This includes a custom AB.Style as well as various network settings useful for testing or debugging the Autobooks integration.

    let configuration = AB.Configuration(environment: <#T##BackendEnvironment#>,
                                        style: <#T##Style#>,
                                        responseProvider: <#T##ResponseProvider#>,
                                        shouldFallBackToPaymentForm: <#T##Bool#>,
                                        shouldConfirmClose: <#T##Bool#>,
                                        closeButtonStyle: <#T##CloseButtonStyle#>,
                                        webViewsShowControls: <#T##Bool#>)
  • environment specifies where API calls are sent. Options are .dev, .staging, and .production. The default is .production.

  • style specifies a structure for display customization. See the section Styling below for more information.

  • responseProvider specifies where responses come from.

    AB.BackendEnvironment Behavior
    .stubs(Stubs) Use provided local stubs for all calls. No traffic should go over the network with this setting.
    .hybrid(Stubs) Use the provided AB.BackendEnvironment for login, provided stubs for the rest.
    .backendMocked Use the provided AB.BackendEnvironment with mocked login endpoint, normal endpoints for the rest.
    .live Use the provided AB.BackendEnvironment for all API calls.
  • shouldFallBackToPaymentForm controls what happens when a user does not meet the iOS version or physical device requirements for a given feature. If true, the user is directed to a web-based virtual terminal. If false, the user receives an error. The default is true.

  • shouldConfirmClose specifies whether a confirmation is presented to the user before dismissing the SDK interface. The default is false.

  • closeButtonStyle controls the text displayed to the user to dismiss the SDK. If .close, the text is "Close". If .signOut, the text is "Sign Out". The default is .close.

  • webViewsShowControls controls whether the web features, outlined below, have a back/forward/share/refresh toolbar below web content, similar to SFSafariViewController.


The AB.Style structure is the primary method for customizing the look of SDK interfaces. The simplest initializer is to set only a primaryColor, which will be used to tint UI controls, analagous to UIKit's tintColor or SwiftUI's accentColor, and will use default UINavigationBar and UIToolbar classes and settings:

    let style = AB.Style(primaryColor: <#T##UIColor#>)

You can individually override the color for each class of UI element by creating a AB.Style.Colors structure. The default is .systemBlue.

    let colors = AB.Style.Colors(primaryColor: <#T##UIColor#>,
                                 actionButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 secondaryButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 tertiaryButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 linkColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 progressColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 confettiColor: <#T##UIColor?#>)

    let style = AB.Style(colors: colors)
  • actionButtonColor applies to action button backgrounds, for example, the Charge button.
  • secondaryButtonColor applies to secondary button backgrounds, for example, most Try Again buttons.
  • tertiaryButtonColor applies to tertiary button text, for example, the Manual Card Entry and Receipt view Done buttons. This button type does not have a background.
  • linkColor applies to clickable text, for example, the Autobooks "Call us" text prompt which includes our support numnber. Despite the name, it does not style links in web features.
  • progressColor applies to the track tint in linear progress views.
  • confettiColor applies to the congratulatory confetti which displays when a user first onboards on to Tap to Pay.

Because the SDK is almost entirely self-contained, you won't receive a direct reference to the underlying UINavigationController that's being presented. To customize this controller to match your branding, you can use the CustomNavigationBar object for advanced styling:

    let colors = AB.Style.Colors(primaryColor: <#T##UIColor#>,
                                 actionButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 secondaryButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 tertiaryButtonColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 linkColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 progressColor: <#T##UIColor?#>,
                                 confettiColor: <#T##UIColor?#>)
    let customNavigationBar = AB.Style.CustomNavigationBar(standardAppearance: <#T##UINavigationBarAppearance?#>,
                                                           compactAppearance: <#T##UINavigationBarAppearance?#>,
                                                           scrollEdgeAppearance: <#T##UINavigationBarAppearance?#>,
                                                           compactScrollEdgeAppearance: <#T##UINavigationBarAppearance?#>,
                                                           navigationBarClass: <#T##AnyClass?#>,
                                                           toolbarClass: <#T##AnyClass?#>)
    let style = AB.Style(colors: colors,
                         customNavigationBar: customNavigationBar)

If the standardAppearance is non-nil, all four appearance objects (standardAppearance, compactAppearance, scrollEdgeAppearance, and if on iOS 15 or later, compactScrollEdgeAppearance) are passed to the constructed UINavigationBar; if unset, the default is constructed like so:

    let customAppearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()

    let barButtonItemAppearance = UIBarButtonItemAppearance(style: .plain)
    barButtonItemAppearance.normal.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: style.primaryColor]
    barButtonItemAppearance.disabled.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: style.primaryColor]
    barButtonItemAppearance.highlighted.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: style.primaryColor]
    barButtonItemAppearance.focused.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: style.primaryColor]

    customAppearance.buttonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
    customAppearance.backButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance
    customAppearance.doneButtonAppearance = barButtonItemAppearance

    navigationBar.standardAppearance = customAppearance

For the most complex styling requirements, you may also use the navigationBarClass and toolbarClass to supply custom UINavigationBar and UIToolbar subclasses to the UINavigationController on instantiation. This is in addition to any styling that occurs as part of supplying UINavigationBarAppearance objects.


An SDK consumer will often need to know about user activity internal to the SDK to prevent a timeout in the hosting application. To receive notifications about both web and native activity, subscribe to AB.Notifications.userActivity:

                                           selector: #selector(<#preventApplicationTimeout#>),
                                           name: AB.Notifications.userActivity,
                                           object: nil)

    @objc func <#preventApplicationTimeout#>(_ sender: Notification) {
        // Your application should reset its internal idle timer here.

See the AB.Notifications structure for more events.

Web Features


    AB.startInvoicing(subscriptionKey: <#"your-subscription-key"#>,
                      loginCredential: .token(<#"your-sso-token"#>),
                      configuration: configuration)

Payment Form

    AB.startPaymentForm(subscriptionKey: <#"your-subscription-key"#>,
                        loginCredential: .token(<#"your-sso-token"#>)),
                        configuration: configuration)

Full Autobooks

    AB.startFullAutobooks(subscriptionKey: <#"your-subscription-key"#>,
                          loginCredential: .token(<#"your-sso-token"#>)),
                          configuration: configuration)

Tap to Pay

Check the value of the AB.supportsTapToPay property to determine if the device meets the minimum requirements for Tap to Pay, then call:

    AB.startTapToPay(subscriptionKey: <#"your-subscription-key"#>,
                     configuration: <#configuration#>,
                     device: <#.real#>) {
        return .token(<#"your-sso-token"#>)

App Transport Security






Azure Monitor

See this document for a full list of domains.


Autobooks CDN




Google Fonts

Fraud monitoring

User Experience