AsyncTCP 1.0.0

AsyncTCP 1.0.0

Maintained by Mateusz Stompor.

AsyncTCP 1.0.0

  • By
  • Mateusz Stompór


Cocoapod Coverage License Build status


A tiny library easing TCP connections handling. Provides a set of classes for the user to connect to a remote server as a client and is able to host a server on its own.

Non-blocking and asynchronous, uses delegation to notify about incoming data packets, connection state change, etc. Gives you a choice which dispatch queue you'd like to choose to receive the notifications.

All components are loosly coupled, as a result the code is testable and tested.


Setting up a server

First of all define server's boot parameters

ServerConfiguration * configuration = [[ServerConfiguration alloc] initWithPort:57880

// Port - A number in range from 0 to 65535
// Chunk size - Buffer size
// Connection Timeout - Time of inactivity after which client's connection is going to be closed
// Maximal connections count - Number of clients allowed to connect
// Eventloop microseconds delay - Interval between server's main loop evaluations. Adjust depending on your network speed and device's resources utilization
// Errors begore connection closing - Number of errors after which the connection will be closed

Create a server with this specific configuration. By default all notification will be passed to the main dispatch queue.

NSObject<ServerHandle> * asyncServer = [[Server alloc] initWithConfiguratoin:configuration];

If you wish to use a different queue then create an instance in the following way:

server = [[Server alloc] initWithConfiguratoin:configuration 
                             notificationQueue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)];

Notifications will be send only if the delegate of the server is set. Otherwise connections won't be accepted and data received. To receive notifications implement ServerDelegate protocol.



@interface ServerHandler: NSObject<ServerDelegate>


@implementation ServerHandler
-(void)newClientHasConnected: (Connection*) connection {
    // Handle the connection here somehow, set connection's delegate
-(void)clientHasDisconnected: (Connection*) connection {
    // Ivoked when a client disconnected or the connection hung 


If you want to use client analyse interface below:

@interface ClientHandler: NSObject<ClientDelegate>


@implementation ClientHandler
-(void)connectionHasBeenEstablished: (Connection *) connection {
    // Handle the connection here somehow, set connection's delegate
-(void)connectionHasBeenClosed: (Connection*) connection {
    // Ivoked when a client disconnected or the connection hung 

One additional step to make is to implement ConnectionDelegate protocol. It is an interface which lets you receive a notification when data is received. Set an instance as ConnectionDelegate as soon as you receive newClientHasConnected callback in case of ServerDelegate or connectionHasBeenEstablished in case of ClientDelegate.



@interface ConnectionHandler: NSObject<ConnectionDelegate>


@implementation ConnectionHandler
-(void)connection:(NSObject<ConnectionHandle> *)connection chunkHasArrived:(NSData *)data {
    // Parse the data or pass it through 