Apptimize 3.6.5×License Commercial ReleasedLast Release Feb 2025Maintained by Tim Lundeen, Yinmeng Zhang, Andy Zupko, Apptimize.Installation Guide×Installation Guide for ApptimizeYou want to add pod 'Apptimize', '~> 3.6' similar to the following to your Podfile:target 'MyApp' do pod 'Apptimize', '~> 3.6' endThen run a pod install inside your terminal, or from to give it a test run, run the command:pod try ApptimizeSee PodspecDocumentationHomepagePage on CocoaPods.orgApptimize 3.6.5ByApptimize, Inc.Apptimize Apptimize Library for AB testing on iOS. Anything you can program, you can test with Apptimize. Installation pod 'Apptimize' Authors Apptimize, Inc. License Commercial