AppmazoUIKit 1.0.8

AppmazoUIKit 1.0.8

Maintained by James Hickman.


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AppmazoUIKit is a simple collection of useful UI elements that will help with standard app development and boilerplate code.


AppmazoUIKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AppmazoUIKit'



Button is a simple subclass of UIButton that includes multiple button types for a more modern UI as well as an impression style click animation.


ButtonTableViewCell is a simple UITableViewCell subclass that displays a Button.

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the button was pressed:

func buttonTableViewCell(_ buttonTableViewCell: ButtonTableViewCell, buttonPressed: Button)


ButtonTableViewCell is a simple UITableViewCell subclass that displays a Button.

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user finished picking the date and pressed the done button:

func datePickerTableViewCell(_ datePickerTableViewCell: DatePickerTableViewCell, didFinishPickingDate date: Date?)

Notifies you when the date changes in real-time:

func datePickerTableViewCell(_ datePickerTableViewCell: DatePickerTableViewCell, didChangeDate date: Date?)


LocationTableViewCell is a simple UITableViewCell for handling a user's location. It can be used to display the user's location automatically as well as allow users to change it to a custom location.

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user pressed the location button so you can refresh their location:

func locationTableViewCell(_ locationTableViewCell: LocationTableViewCell, locationButtonPressed locationButton: Button)

Notifies you when the user's finished editing their custom location:

func locationTableViewCell(_ locationTableViewCell: LocationTableViewCell, locationTextUpdated locationText:String?)


PermissionPromptTableViewCell is a simple UITableViewCell for requesting common iOS permissions.

Currently Supports: Push Notifications Location Services FaceID TouchID

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user presses the button to enable permissions:

func permissionPromptTableViewCell(_ permissionPromptTableViewCell: PermissionPromptTableViewCell, buttonPressed: Button)


SubtitleTableViewCell is a simple UITableViewCell for dequeuing a UITableViewCell using the UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle style.


FormFieldTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell for form filling. It contains a basic prompt label and container UIView for subclasses to embed custom views:


DateFormFieldTableViewCell is a FormFieldTableViewCell subclass for selecting a date.

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user finishes picking the date and presses the done button:

func dateFormFieldTableViewCell(_ dateFormFieldTableViewCell: DateFormFieldTableViewCell, didFinishPickingDate date: Date?)

Notifies you when the user changes the date in real-time:

func dateFormFieldTableViewCell(_ dateFormFieldTableViewCell: DateFormFieldTableViewCell, didChangeDate date: Date?)


QuantityFormFieldTableViewCell is a FormFieldTableViewCell subclass for setting a quantity using a UIPickerView:

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user finishes setting the quantity and hits the done button:

func quantityFormFieldTableViewCell(_ quantityFormFieldTableViewCell: QuantityFormFieldTableViewCell, didFinishPickingValue value: Int)

Notifies you when the user changes the quantity in real-time:

func quantityFormFieldTableViewCell(_ quantityFormFieldTableViewCell: QuantityFormFieldTableViewCell, didUpdateValue value: Int)


TextFormFieldTableViewCell is a FormFieldTableViewCell subclass for allowing custom text entry.

Delegate Implementation

Notifies you when the user changes the text in real-time:

func formFieldTableViewCell(_ formFieldTableViewCell: FormFieldTableViewCell, didUpdateText text: String?)

Notifies you when the user begins editing the text:

func formFieldTableViewCellDidBeginEditing(_ formFieldTableViewCell: FormFieldTableViewCell)

Notifies you when the user ends editing:

func formFieldTableViewCellDidEndEditing(_ formFieldTableViewCell: FormFieldTableViewCell)


Appmazo LLC, [email protected]


AppmazoUIKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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