AnyUserDefaults is a Morden UserDefaults wapper for Swift. Especially the propertyWrapper
will make your code more clear.
- iOS 10.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / tvOS 10.0+ / watchOS 3.0+
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5.1+
Basic Usage
You can just extension DefaultKeyStore
as Default KeyStore
extension DefaultKeyStore {
var usernameKey: DefaultKey<String> { .init("username_key") }
var passwordKey: DefaultKey<String> { .init("password_key") }
Then, use @UserDefault
to bind your property to UserDefaults, which will auto Read, Write, or do some Type Check
class LoginViewController: UIViewController {
@UserDefault(keyPath: \DefaultKeyStore.usernameKey, default: "Admin")
var userName: String
@UserDefault(keyPath: \DefaultKeyStore.passwordKey, default: "12345678")
var password: String
Advanced Usage
When you want to use your custom KeyStore instand of default one, or want to share UseDefaults Data between main applicaiotn and application extensions
Create your custom KeyStore first
struct CustomKeyStore {
var lastLaunchDateKey: DefaultKey<Date> { .init("last_launch_date_key") }
Create your custom DefaultAdaptor
typealias CustomDefaultAdapter = DefaultAdapter<CustomKeyStore>
extension CustomDefaultAdapter {
static let shared = CustomDefaultAdapter(keyStore: CustomKeyStore(), userDefaults: UserDefaults(suiteName: "YOUR_APP_GROUP_NAME"!)
Create UserDefault extension for your CustomKeyStore
extension UserDefault where KeyStore == CustomKeyStore {
init(keyPath: KeyPath<CustomKeyStore, DefaultKey<Value>>, default value: Value, policy: DefaultPolicy = []) {
self.init(keyPath: keyPath, default: value, adapter: CustomDefaultAdapter.shared, policy: policy)
Use your CustomKeyStore
to bind your property
class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
@UserDefault(keyPath: \CustomKeyStore.lastLaunchDateKey, default: Date())
var lastLaunchDate: Date
DefaultValue Type
Use DefaultValue
protocol for single value, and use DefaultArrayValue
protocol for array value. AnyUserDefaults supports all of the standard UserDefaults types.
Single Value | Array Value | where |
Int | [Int] | |
Float | [Float] | |
Double | [Double] | |
Bool | [Bool] | |
Date | [Date] | |
URL | [URL] | |
Data | [Data] | |
[String: Any] | ||
Codable | [Codable] | |
RawRepresentable | [RawRepresentable] | RawValue: DefaultValue |
Custom Codable Type Example:
struct MyCodableType: Codable, DefaultArrayValue {
var a: Int
var b: [String]
Custom RawRepresentable Type Example:
enum MyRawRepresentableType: Int, DefaultValue {
case first
case second
case third
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate AnyUserDefaults into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'AnyUserDefaults', '~> 1.0.1'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate AnyUserDefaults into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "anotheren/AnyUserDefaults", '~> 1.0.1'
Swift Package Manager
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding AnyUserDefaults as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.1")
AnyUserDefaults is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.