AnyImagePicker 0.4.3

AnyImagePicker 0.4.3

Maintained by RayJiang16, Liu Dong.

  • By
  • anotheren and RayJiang16


Travis CI CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible Platform License

AnyImagePicker is an image picker which support for multiple photos, GIFs or videos. It's written in Swift.



  • Light mode, dark mode or auto mode support
  • Default theme is similar with Wechat
  • Multiple & mix select support
  • Supported media types:
    • Photo
    • GIF
    • Live Photo
    • Video
  • Camera
  • Edit image
  • Multiple platform support
    • iOS
    • iPadOS
    • Mac Catalyst ( Technical Preview )
    • macOS
    • tvOS


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.0+



Add this to Podfile, and then update dependency:

pod 'AnyImagePicker'


Add this to Cartfile, and then update dependency:

github "AnyImageProject/AnyImagePicker"

Unsupport --no-use-binaries


Quick Start

import AnyImagePicker

let controller = ImagePickerController(delegate: self)
present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)

/// ImagePickerControllerDelegate
func imagePicker(_ picker: ImagePickerController, didSelect assets: [Asset], useOriginalImage: Bool) {
    let image = assets.image
    // Your code

Fetch content data

/// Fetch Video URL 
/// - Note: Only for `MediaType` Video
/// - Parameter options: Video URL Fetch Options
/// - Parameter completion: Video URL Fetch Completion
func fetchVideoURL(options: VideoURLFetchOptions = .init(), completion: @escaping VideoURLFetchCompletion)

// Call
asset.fetchVideoURL { (result) in
    // Your code


AnyImagePicker is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.