AlamofireReactiveExtensions 3.0.0-alpha.1

AlamofireReactiveExtensions 3.0.0-alpha.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by George Kaimakas.

Depends on:
Alamofire~> 4.0
ReactiveSwift~> 3.0.0-alpha.1

  • By
  • gkaimakas


Want to use ReactiveSwift with Alamofire? AlamofireReactiveExtensions has you covered. It provides a list of extensions that bridge Alamofire’s callbacks with ReactiveSwift’s SignalProducers. You can even easily apply ReactiveSwift’s operators to your responses, combine multiple requests or execute requests consecutively.’

The project currently provides extensions for: 1. SessionManager 2. DataRequest 3. DownloadRequest 4. UploadRequest

For requests AlamofireReactiveExtensions provides the following functions: 1. request(queue:) 2. request(queue:,responseSerializer) 3. responseData(queue:) 4. responseString(queue:, encoding:) 5. responseJSON(queue:s options:) 6. responsePropertyList(queue:, options:)

SessionManager supports the following functions: 1. request(_:, method:, parameters:, encoding:, headers:) 2. request(_:) 3. download(_:, method:, parameters:, encoding:, headers:, to) 4. download(_:, to:) 5. download(resumingWith:, to:) 6. upload(_:, to:, method:, headers:) 7. upload(_:, with:) 8. upload(_:, to:, method:, headers: ) 9. upload(_:, with:) 10. upload(_:, to:, method:, headers:) 11. stream(withHostName:, port:)


AlamofireReactiveExtensions is available through CocoaPods

pod 'AlamofireReactiveExtensions'


ReactiveSwift extensions are located behind the reactive property that is available in SessionManager, DataRequest, DownloadRequest, UploadRequest.

You can use reactive with a SessionManager

.request("your url goes here")
.map{ $0.value }
.startWithValues { print( $0 ?? "") }

or if you use the shortcuts available in Alamofire you can use it immediately on a request:

Alamofire.request("your url goes here")
.map{ $0.value }
.startWithValyes { print( $0 ?? "" ) }

Each SignalProducer returned from AlamofireReactiveExtensions cannot fail since the callbacks in Alamofire do not return errors. The convertion of the NoError response producer to a producer that can fail is left to the user.