AlamofirePromiseKit 1.0.0

AlamofirePromiseKit 1.0.0

Maintained by Alibaba Cloud.

Depends on:
AwaitKit= 5.2.0
Alamofire= 4.9.1

  • By
  • wb-hx510875


Implement ‘Alamofire’ synchronous callback


  • Alamofire ~> 4.9.1
  • AwaitKit ~> 5.2.0


Swift Package Manager

You can use The Swift Package Manager to install AlamofirePromiseKit by adding the proper description to your Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "")

Note that the Swift Package Manager is still in early design and development, for more information checkout its GitHub Page.

Usage example

import Foundation
import Alamofire
import AwaitKit

let sessionManager:SessionManager = Alamofire.SessionManager(configuration: config)
let promise = sessionManager.request("", method: HTTPMethod.get).response()
let res: DefaultDataResponse = try! await(promise)
let result: String = String(data:!, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
