Akane 0.30.0-beta.1

Akane 0.30.0-beta.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2018
SwiftSwift Version 4.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by pjechris.

Akane 0.30.0-beta.1

  • By
  • pjechris, akane and xebia


CocoaPods Carthage compatible Build Status

Akane is a iOS framework that helps you building better native apps by adopting an MVVM design pattern.

Main Goals
😅 Safety: minimize bad coding practices as much as possible
🔧 Feature-Oriented: adding and maintaining features is easy and, yes, safe
🔠 Component-Oriented: each visual feature you want to add to your app is a Component (smart or dumb)
✂️ fine-grained Separation of Concerns, which means:
👯 Much less merge conflicts
😎 A better understanding of your code

Smart components are composed of:

  • ComponentViewController
  • ComponentViewModel
  • ComponentDisplayable

(New in 0.19!) Dumb components are simply composed of a Displayable and do not have an associated ViewModel.

Why Akane, Or MVVM versus iOS MVC

iOS developers tend to write all their code into a unique and dedicated ViewController class. While this may have been OK some years ago, today's app codebases grow bigger and bigger. Maintaining a single, huge, ViewController file is a dangerous operation which often results in unpredictable side effects.

Akane makes you split your code into small components which are composed of multiple classes.


The Model is the layer containing the classes that model your application business.

Songs, Movies, Books: all those classes or structs belong to this layer. They should contain no reference to any UIKit or Akane component.

struct User {
  enum Title: String {
    case sir
    case master

  let username: String
  let title: Title

Dumb component

Dumb component is not bound to a specific state but can still be updated with raw data.

It is represented by Displayable protocol.

class UserView: UIView, Displayable {
   @IBOutlet var title: UILabel!

   func bindings(_ observer: ViewObserver, props user: User) {
     self.title = UserFullNameConverter().convert(user)

Smart component

Smart component represents a component who has a state defining its rendering:

  • State is represented using ComponentViewModel.
  • UI is represented using ComponentDisplayable.


The ViewModel is where all your business logic should be implemented.

Please, Keep it agnostic: no reference to any View or ViewController should be present in your ViewModel. Also, Prefer ViewModel composition over inheritance: split your code into multiple ViewModel, each one dealing with one business case and then create another ViewModel to aggregate all those logics.

import Akane

class UserViewModel : ComponentViewModel {
  let user: Observable<User>?
  var disconnect: Command! = nil

  init(user: User) {
    self.user = Observable(user)
    self.disconnect = RelayCommand() { [unowned self] in

  func isConnected() -> Bool {
    return self.user != nil


Data flow between a ViewModel and its ComponentDisplayable is bidirectional:

  • View <- ViewModel for data, through bindings
  • View -> ViewModel for actions, through commands: for instance, send a message or order a product.
import Akane

class LoggedUserView : UIView, ComponentDisplayable {
  @IBOutlet var userView: UserView!
  @IBOutlet var buttonDisconnect: UIButton!

  func bindings(observer: ViewObserver, viewModel: UserViewModel) {
    // New in 0.19! Bind a author with a dumb view
    observer.observe(viewModel.author).bind(to: self.authorView)

    // bind 'disconnect' command with 'buttonDisconnect'
            .bind(to: self.buttonDisconnect)


ViewController, through ComponentController protocol, makes the link between ComponentViewModel and ComponentDisplayable.

Just pass your ComponentViewModel to your ViewController to bind it to its view.

application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool {  

  let rootViewController = self.window.rootViewController as! ComponentViewController
  let user = User(username: "Bruce", title: .master)

  rootViewController.viewModel = UserViewModel(user: user)

  return true

You can even define your custom ViewControllers if you need to:

extension LoggedUserView {
  static func componentControllerClass() -> AnyComponentController.Type {
    return LoggedUserViewController.self

class LoggedUserViewController : UIViewController, ComponentController {
  func viewDidLoad() {
    print("User component view loaded")


Akane supports displaying collections of objects in UITableViews and UICollectionViews.
Please read the Collections.md documentation to know more.


Akane supports installation via CocoaPods and Carthage.


pod 'Akane'

Akane builds on top of Bond for managing bindings. If you do want to use your own library (like RxSwift), you can use Akane core only:

pod 'Akane/Core'


Add github "akane/Akane" to your Cartfile.
In order to use Akane Bindings and Akane Collections, you should also append github "ReactiveKit/Bond".

United We Stand

Akane works great by itself but is even better when combined with our other tools:

  • Gaikan, declarative view styling in Swift. Inspired by CSS modules.
  • Magellan, routing solution to decouple UI from navigation logic.


This project was first developed by Xebia IT Architects and has been open-sourced since. We are committed to keeping on working and investing our time in Akane.

We encourage the community to contribute to the project by opening tickets and/or pull requests.


Akane is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.