Aka-Common 21.90.0

Aka-Common 21.90.0

Maintained by Varun Ramachandran, Brian Salomon, Wojciech Malec, Michal Walawender.

Aka-Common 21.90.0

Akamai Mobile SDK - Common Framework for iOS


This framework provides an interface between your
mobile application and various Akamai SDKs.  It
initializes those SDKs, if present, and performs 
network request interception, logging, and brokering 
of push notifications intended for the SDKs.

More information can be found at: http://developer.akamai.com/




This framework is intended for inclusion as a dependency
by other Akamai SDKs. Those SDKs include it automatically
when installed via CocoaPods.

Carthage and manual installations should link and embed
this framework.