AeroGearSyncClient 1.0.0-alpha.2

AeroGearSyncClient 1.0.0-alpha.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2017
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by corinne krych, Daniel Bevenius, Julio Cesar, Daniel Passos, Massimiliano Ziccardi.

Depends on:
AeroGearSync/Core= 1.0.0-alpha.2
Starscream= 0.9.3

AeroGearSyncClient 1.0.0-alpha.2

  • By
  • Red Hat, Inc.

aerogear ios sync client Build Status

NOTE: The library has been tested with Xcode 6.3

AeroGear iOS Differential Synchronization Client Engine represents a client side implementation for AeroGear Differential Synchronization (DS) Server.

This client uses the communication with the backend server implementation. The iOS SyncEngine performs the actual work of the DiffSync protocol, please refer to its for more details.

Project Info
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Build: CocoaPods
Issue tracker:
Mailing lists: aerogear-users (subscribe)
aerogear-dev (subscribe)

Build, test and play with aerogear-ios-sync-client

  1. Clone this project

  2. Get the dependencies

The project uses cocoapods 0.36 release for handling its dependencies. As a pre-requisite, install cocoapods and then install the pod. On the root directory of the project run:

pod install
  1. open AeroGearSyncClient.xcworkspace

Adding the library to your project

To add the library in your project, you can either use Cocoapods or manual install in your project. See the respective sections below for instructions:

Manual Installation

Follow these steps to add the library in your Swift project:

  1. Add AeroGearSyncClient as a submodule in your project. Open a terminal and navigate to your project directory. Then enter:
git submodule add
  1. Open the aerogear-ios-sync-client folder, and drag the AeroGearSyncClient.xcodeproj into the file navigator in Xcode.
  2. In Xcode select your application target and under the “Targets” heading section, ensure that the ‘iOS Deployment Target’ matches the application target of AeroGearSyncClient.framework (Currently set to 8.0).
  3. Select the “Build Phases” heading section, expand the “Target Dependencies” group and add AeroGearSyncClient.framework.
  4. Click on the + button at the top left of the panel and select “New Copy Files Phase”. Rename this new phase to “Copy Frameworks”, set the “Destination” to “Frameworks”, and add AeroGearSyncClient.framework.

Repeat the same instructions for aerogear-ios-sync.


For more details about the current release, please consult our documentation.


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Also takes some time and skim the contributor guide


Join our user mailing list for any questions or help! We really hope you enjoy app development with AeroGear!

Found a bug?

If you found a bug please create a ticket for us on Jira with some steps to reproduce it.