AeroGear iOS Push
A handy library that helps to register iOS applications with the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server.
Project Info | |
License: | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
Build: | CocoaPods |
Languague: | Objective-C |
Documentation: | |
Issue tracker: | |
Mailing lists: | aerogear-users (subscribe) |
aerogear-dev (subscribe) |
Table of Content
- Register (Programmatically and plist) on AeroGear UnifiedPush Server
- Send metrics to AeroGear UnifiedPush Server
In your Podfile
pod 'AeroGearPush'
and then:
pod install
to install your dependencies
Push registration (Programmatically)
// setup registration
AGDeviceRegistration *registration = [[AGDeviceRegistration alloc] initWithServerURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://YOUR_SERVER/ag-push/"]];
// attempt to register
[registration registerWithClientInfo:^(id <AGClientDeviceInformation> clientInfo) {
// setup configuration
[clientInfo setDeviceToken:deviceToken];
[clientInfo setVariantID:@"YOUR IOS VARIANT ID"];
[clientInfo setVariantSecret:@"YOUR IOS VARIANT SECRET"];
// apply the token, to identify THIS device
UIDevice *currentDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice];
// set some 'useful' hardware information params
[clientInfo setOperatingSystem:[currentDevice systemName]];
[clientInfo setOsVersion:[currentDevice systemVersion]];
[clientInfo setDeviceType:[currentDevice model]];
} success:^() {
NSLog(@"UnifiedPush Server registration worked");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"UnifiedPush Server registration Error: %@", error);
Push registration (plist)
// setup registration
AGDeviceRegistration *registration = [[AGDeviceRegistration alloc] init];
// attempt to register
[registration registerWithClientInfo:^(id <AGClientDeviceInformation> clientInfo) {
// setup configuration
[clientInfo setDeviceToken:deviceToken];
// apply the token, to identify THIS device
UIDevice *currentDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice];
// set some 'useful' hardware information params
[clientInfo setOperatingSystem:[currentDevice systemName]];
[clientInfo setOsVersion:[currentDevice systemVersion]];
[clientInfo setDeviceType:[currentDevice model]];
} success:^() {
NSLog(@"UnifiedPush Server registration worked");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"UnifiedPush Server registration Error: %@", error);
In your application info.plist, add the following properties:
<plist version="1.0">
<string><# URL of the running AeroGear UnifiedPush Server #></string>
<string><# Variant Id #></string>
<string><# Variant Secret #></string>
NOTE: If your UPS server installation uses a
self-signed certificate
, you can find a quick solution on how to enable support on our troubleshooting page, as well as links for further information on how to properly enable it on your iOS production applications.
Push analytics
If you are interested in monitoring how a push message relates to the usage of your app, you can use metrics. Those emtrics are displayed in the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server's console.
Metrics when app is launched
- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[AGPushAnalytics sendMetricsWhenAppLaunched:launchOptions];
return YES;
Metrics when the app is brought from background to foreground
- (void) application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler {
[AGPushAnalytics sendMetricsWhenAppAwoken:application.applicationState userInfo:userInfo];
For more details about that please consult our documentation.
If you would like to help develop AeroGear you can join our developer's mailing list, join #aerogear on Freenode, or shout at us on Twitter @aerogears.
Also takes some time and skim the contributor guide
Join our user mailing list for any questions or help! We really hope you enjoy app development with AeroGear!
Found a bug?
If you found a bug please create a ticket for us on Jira with some steps to reproduce it.