AeroGear 1.6.1

AeroGear 1.6.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by corinne krych.

Depends on:
AFNetworking= 2.4.1
FMDB= 2.1
AeroGear-Crypto= 0.2.3

AeroGear 1.6.1

  • By
  • Red Hat, Inc.

aerogear-ios Build Status

iOS/Objective-C client library implementation for AeroGear!

The AeroGear iOS client lib is based on the AFNetworking library.

The project requires CocoaPods for dependency management;

API docs

The API is documented here.

iOS Cookbook

Some basic usages are documented here.

Getting started

Open the AeroGear-iOS.xcworkspace in Xcode, if you want to get the project...


We also have a little page for getting started with Xcode and the library!

Note on running Unit Tests

There is an issue when running unit tests on the iOS 6 simulator and in particular when you switch live from another iOS version (e.g. iOS 7). It turns out that the keychain access is broken, resulting in test failures whenever a method tries to access the keychain. A workaround for this is to File->Exit the emulator and re-run the tests on iOS 6. We are continue investigating the cause of this issue (see discussion on Apple forum for more information)