AdobeMobileSDK 4.21.2

AdobeMobileSDK 4.21.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2021

Maintained by Jiabin Geng, Steve Benedick, Smit Patel, Adobe Mobile, Swarna Saraf, Pravin Prakash Kumar, Swarna Saraf, Emilia Dobrin.

  • By
  • Adobe Mobile SDK Team
For Swift Project:
Because Cocoapod automatically generates a dynamic framework for the SDK, so the implementation is a bit different with using Objective-C
1. Using 'import AdobeMobileSDK' to include SDK
2. The ADBMobileConfig.json file will also be packaged into the framework, so the file path get changed, you have to call method overrideConfigPath to use the config file included in the framework.
ADBMobile.overrideConfigPath(NSBundle(forClass: object_getClass(self)).pathForResource("ADBMobileConfig", ofType: "json"));

Setup cocoapods (should be done only once per machine):
1. Install cocoapods
  - sudo gem install cocoapods
2. Setup the account for your machine
  - pod trunk register [email protected] 'my name' --description='something identifying this machine'
3. Setup pod trunk
  - pod setup

Steps to update pod spec (should be done per release):
1. Copy released iOS SDK to the AdobeMobileLibrary folder, and rename binaries
  - AdobeMobileLibrary.a -> libAdobeMobile.a
  - AdobeMobileLibrary_Watch.a -> libAdobeMobile_Watch.a
  - AdobeMobileLibrary_TV.a -> libAdobeMobile_TV.a
  - AdobeMobileLibrary_Extension.a -> libAdobeMobile_Extension.a
2. Update the SDK version number in AdobeMobileSDK.podspec (update s.version tag)
3. Push the change to cocoapod branch
4. Tag the code with name vx.x.x-cocoapod, and push
  - git tag newversion-cocoapod (e.g. git tag v4.18.1-cocoapod)
  - git tag -l (you should see the new version created)
  - git push origin v4.18.1-cocoapod
5. Push the podspec changes
  - pod trunk push

* add contributors
  pod trunk add-owner AdobeMobileSDK [email protected]