AccordionMenuSwift 1.2.6

AccordionMenuSwift 1.2.6

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Victor Sigler.

Accordion Custom Image

Accordion Custom Image

AccordionMenu is an accordion/dropdown library written in Swift.


  • [x] Compatible with iPhone / iPad
  • [x] Fully customizable
  • [x] Supports device rotation


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+


After import the framework it’s neccessary to inherit from the class AccordionTableViewController and set it’s data source the total of items from the data source and if you like if several cells is expanded or only one like in the following example:

import UIKit
import AccordionMenuSwift

class AccordionViewController: AccordionTableViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let item1 = Parent(state: .collapsed, childs: ["SubItem 1", "SubItem 2", "SubItem 3"], title: "Item 1")
        let item2 = Parent(state: .collapsed, childs: ["SubItem 1", "SubItem 2"], title: "Item 2")
        let item3 = Parent(state: .collapsed, childs: ["SubItem 1", "SubItem 2", "SubItem 3"], title: "Item 3")
        let item4 = Parent(state: .collapsed, childs: ["SubItem 1", "SubItem 2"], title: "Item 4")
        let item5 = Parent(state: .collapsed, childs: ["SubItem 1", "SubItem 2"], title: "Item 5")

        self.dataSource = [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5]
        self.numberOfCellsExpanded = .several

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

Afterwards it’s necessary to define two cells in the UITableView with the identifiers "ParentCell" and "ChildCell" and set its Style to Basic to add two UILabels for the cells.

You can see the Example project for more information in how to integrate it.


  • [ ] Add Carthage support.
  • [ ] Add suport to be notified when cell is tapped using closures.
  • [ ] Add support for multiple levels
  • [ ] Improve the integration with functional programming


I’ve found a bug, or have a feature request

Please raise a GitHub issue. 😱

Interested in contributing?

Great! Please launch a pull request. 👍


The MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more infomation.