AURASlideshow 1.0.0

AURASlideshow 1.0.0

Maintained by Alexis Aubry Radanovic.


AURASlideshow provides an interface to display a sequence of images and associated text. Ideal for a tutorial inside an app. Suports swiping and Voice Over.

Screenshot of the Library


You can install the library from:


Add this line in your Podfile:

pod 'AURASlideshow', '~> 1.0'


Add this line in your Cartfile:

github "alexaubry/AURASlideshow" ~> 1.0


The contents of the slideshow is defined as an array of objects conforming to the SlideshowItem protocol. Each object provides an image and a description of the item.

The first step is to import the framework and define your data source:

import AURASlideshow

enum ColorSlideshow: String, SlideshowItem, CaseIterable {

    case red = "Red"
    case green = "Green"
    case blue = "Blue"
    var image: UIImage {
        return UIImage(named: "Slideshow-\(rawValue)")
    var localizedValue: String {
        return rawValue

Then, create the view controller, wrap it inside a navigation controller, and present it from a view controller:

func presentSlideshow() {
    let slideshow = SlideshowViewController(title: "Colors", items: ColorSlideshow.allCases)
    let slideshowNavigation = UINavigationController(rootViewController: slideshow)
    self.present(slideshowNavigation, animated: true, completion: nil)


Thank you for your interest in the project! Contributions are welcome and appreciated.

Make sure to read these guides before getting started:

You will need Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2 to build the library.


Written by Alexis Aubry. You can find me on Twitter.


AURASlideshow is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.