ATList 0.3.17

ATList 0.3.17

Maintained by ablettx.

Depends on:
MJRefresh>= 0
ATBlank>= 0
ATCategories>= 0
Reachability>= 0

ATList 0.3.17


CI Status Version License Platform


Swift 版本在这里 List

  1. 通用配置(可选,如不配置,则使用默认)
#import <UIScrollView+ATList.h>
@implementation ATAppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOption {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    // 列表配置(可选,如不设置,取默认)
    [ATListDefaultConf setupConf:^(ATListConf * _Nonnull conf) {
        conf.loadStyle = ATLoadStyleAll;
        conf.loadStrategy = ATLoadStrategyAuto;
        ATBlank *failureBlank = blankMake(blankImage(ATBlankTypeFailure), @"请求失败", @"10010");
        ATBlank *noDataBlank = blankMake(blankImage(ATBlankTypeNoData), @"暂无数据", @"10011");
        ATBlank *noNetworkBlank = blankMake(blankImage(ATBlankTypeNoNetwork), @"没有网络", @"10012");
        noDataBlank.isTapEnable = NO;
        conf.blankDic = @{@(ATBlankTypeFailure)   : failureBlank,
                          @(ATBlankTypeNoData)    : noDataBlank,
                          @(ATBlankTypeNoNetwork) : noNetworkBlank,};
        conf.length = 20;
    return YES;
  1. 具体页面中使用
#import <UIScrollView+ATList.h>

    // 具体列表配置(可选,如不设置,则取 ATListDefaultConf,ATListDefaultConf 未设置时取 conf)
    [self.tableView updateListConf:^(ATListConf * _Nonnull conf) {
        conf.loadStrategy = self.loadStrategy;
        conf.loadStyle = self.loadStyle;
        conf.blankDic = @{@(ATBlankTypeFailure) : blankMake(blankImage(ATBlankTypeFailure), @"绘本数据加载失败", @"10015")};
        conf.length = 20;

    // 加载数据
    [self.tableView loadListData:^(ATList * _Nonnull list) { 
        NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"offset"  : @(list.range.location),
                                     @"number"  : @(list.range.length)};
        [self requestData:parameters finished:^(NSError *error, NSArray *datas) {
            if (list.loadStatus == ATLoadStatusNew) [self.datas removeAllObjects];
            if (datas && datas.count > 0) [self.datas addObjectsFromArray:datas];
            [list finish:error];



ATList is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ATList'


ablett, [email protected]


ATList is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.